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hair loss on hobs tail

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If the tail has little black spots, while losing hair. Is just an overproduction of talc and it's called Blackheads (here in DK anyways).

Not dangerous or contatius (how to spell? Argh.. My crappy english), and it dosen't hurt on the ferret. It can be treated, or... Well treated or treated... The hairloss can be stopped if washing the tail with desinfection soap called Hibiscrub 2 a day for a week. If I remember correctly.

Some ferrets loose al the hair on the tail and look like rats = rats-tail. Some only loose a little. But when the ferret shifts to wintercoat again it grows back.


It's common amoung ferrets, althow not every ferret gets it. Spayed or intact... They still get it.

Edited by Julia
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