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trapping question

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just how much damage does a leg hold trap cause to an animal?

theres a bit of a debate in the dog forum, one person saying they should be completely banned because of the damage they cause. and there is concern about loose dogs getting caught and maimed in them.....


i told her its like any other tool.. if its abused its deadly. a horse halter is dangerous if abused.. horses have broken their necks with them... thats if the horse panics while being tethered. also heard of dogs suffocating because of muzzles not being fitted properly....


we dont have many trappers in my area so i'm curious, seeing as how many of you do trap

Edited by BlueCoyote
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I have many an argument over this question.If they are checked regulary and i mean regulary then i dont see a prob with them.However in saying that they are designed to hold and hold tightly!So i would have to admit that has got to be pretty sore at 1st,but then i can imagine it going numb to a point.However any animal caught in one does a fair amount of strugglin.Thats why if ever i set one id be sure to check on it.

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I have many an argument over this question.If they are checked regulary and i mean regulary then i dont see a prob with them.However in saying that they are designed to hold and hold tightly!So i would have to admit that has got to be pretty sore at 1st,but then i can imagine it going numb to a point.However any animal caught in one does a fair amount of strugglin.Thats why if ever i set one id be sure to check on it.


well i told her that too. a responsible trapper doesnt set a line and come back three days later to check it... at least i hope not! not if you;re in the fur trade.. wouldnt that be too risky of damaging the fur or the animal gnawing its foot off and escaping?


unless she means bear traps.... i dont know. some people are just closed minded and convinced there is no good method to it.

the other thing i wonder is.... when out running bird dogs or rabbit hounds, what are the odds of your dog running into a trap? if you're THERE with your dog while hunting then you'd know if he got caught. there will be a moment of pain and struggling... and then he's free again because you've taken the trap off.... and now you know there is trapping done in that area. seems a no brainer to me.

either you know that land owner, or its your own land, or you dont belong there, or someone else doesnt belong there.... the solutions seem fairly easy to come up with depending on those factors.. right? :hmm:

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I have many an argument over this question.If they are checked regulary and i mean regulary then i dont see a prob with them.However in saying that they are designed to hold and hold tightly!So i would have to admit that has got to be pretty sore at 1st,but then i can imagine it going numb to a point.However any animal caught in one does a fair amount of strugglin.Thats why if ever i set one id be sure to check on it.


well i told her that too. a responsible trapper doesnt set a line and come back three days later to check it... at least i hope not! not if you;re in the fur trade.. wouldnt that be too risky of damaging the fur or the animal gnawing its foot off and escaping?


unless she means bear traps.... i dont know. some people are just closed minded and convinced there is no good method to it.

the other thing i wonder is.... when out running bird dogs or rabbit hounds, what are the odds of your dog running into a trap? if you're THERE with your dog while hunting then you'd know if he got caught. there will be a moment of pain and struggling... and then he's free again because you've taken the trap off.... and now you know there is trapping done in that area. seems a no brainer to me.

either you know that land owner, or its your own land, or you dont belong there, or someone else doesnt belong there.... the solutions seem fairly easy to come up with depending on those factors.. right? :hmm:


I agree mate. :victory: If ever i had a dog caught in a trap I wouldnt go screaming to the police.For one if i had permission i would in all probability be warned of such trapping taken place.The other reason would be i had no permission to be ther so you take your chances.Its not really a problem here as gins and suchlike are illegal.But i get your point totally.

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