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question about silicone

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Dumb question but here it goes.I have rubber tubes buried under my court for the ferts to run thru.Anyway a small ball got lodged down,So i dug down to the pipe and had to slit it open to get the ball out.Well i have covered it on silicone about an hour ago.Would it be ok to backfill the hole now?Will it still set.Im just worried the ferts will get out during the night and fall into the silicone. :icon_eek:

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bit late mate, but just got in from work, after an hour silicone is touch dry, although still curing inside, you could have placed a carrier bag over the silicone and back filled it no probs, but as its morning now, you'll be doing that anyway

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bit late mate, but just got in from work, after an hour silicone is touch dry, although still curing inside, you could have placed a carrier bag over the silicone and back filled it no probs, but as its morning now, you'll be doing that anyway


Just dod it/My neighbours will be wondering what im doing at 6.30am filling in a hole Hmmmm they will really think im weird.lol

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