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Straight after work

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Evening one and all just thought I'd put this post up of a mooch me and "goldenarms" were on after work yesterday afternoon, got up to one of our usual "haunts" around 6ish and the weather was great. Walked to the quarry where the rabbits are plentyful and took up position, it was'nt long before I heard my shooting partner rattling shots off to my left and it was'nt long before he came into view holding his "prize" grinning from ear to ear. I had a few close encounters but it seemed like one of those days when I could'nt hit feck all !!! but patience payed off after a 20 min wait laid down behind a gravel bed a steady shot saw one drop minus the top of it's head....nice. A further walk around to the river saw these two beauties basking in the late afternoon sun right at the top of a steep hill overlooking the river, "goldenarms" say's take your pick so we both lifted the rifles and let bleeze with the lead me taking the one to the right and him the one to the left. Unfortunately "goldenarms" quarry decided to duck at the last second and the shot was spoilt.....the air turned blue with some choice words but as he went for the second shot he found his mag was empty....double bollocks!!. He turned and saw that my shot had "hit home" he say's go on then shoot the fecker!!!, it started up the hill for the hedgeline at the top of the field but made the mistake of stopping before it made it to the hedge.....another well placed shot to the back of it's head ( more luck than good management ) saw another one bite the dust. It was straight in the bag with the two of them then off to a friends house in order to drop them off for him and his ferrets....another satisfactory outing!!!!



Enjoy folks and happy hunting



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Evening one and all just thought I'd put this post up of a mooch me and "goldenarms" were on after work yesterday afternoon, got up to one of our usual "haunts" around 6ish and the weather was great. Walked to the quarry where the rabbits are plentyful and took up position, it was'nt long before I heard my shooting partner rattling shots off to my left and it was'nt long before he came into view holding his "prize" grinning from ear to ear. I had a few close encounters but it seemed like one of those days when I could'nt hit feck all !!! but patience payed off after a 20 min wait laid down behind a gravel bed a steady shot saw one drop minus the top of it's head....nice. A further walk around to the river saw these two beauties basking in the late afternoon sun right at the top of a steep hill overlooking the river, "goldenarms" say's take your pick so we both lifted the rifles and let bleeze with the lead me taking the one to the right and him the one to the left. Unfortunately "goldenarms" quarry decided to duck at the last second and the shot was spoilt.....the air turned blue with some choice words but as he went for the second shot he found his mag was empty....double bollocks!!. He turned and saw that my shot had "hit home" he say's go on then shoot the fecker!!!, it started up the hill for the hedgeline at the top of the field but made the mistake of stopping before it made it to the hedge.....another well placed shot to the back of it's head ( more luck than good management ) saw another one bite the dust. It was straight in the bag with the two of them then off to a friends house in order to drop them off for him and his ferrets....another satisfactory outing!!!!



Enjoy folks and happy hunting


Coney.agree with saun brill picture and two nice rabbits well done mate

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Evening one and all just thought I'd put this post up of a mooch me and "goldenarms" were on after work yesterday afternoon, got up to one of our usual "haunts" around 6ish and the weather was great. Walked to the quarry where the rabbits are plentyful and took up position, it was'nt long before I heard my shooting partner rattling shots off to my left and it was'nt long before he came into view holding his "prize" grinning from ear to ear. I had a few close encounters but it seemed like one of those days when I could'nt hit feck all !!! but patience payed off after a 20 min wait laid down behind a gravel bed a steady shot saw one drop minus the top of it's head....nice. A further walk around to the river saw these two beauties basking in the late afternoon sun right at the top of a steep hill overlooking the river, "goldenarms" say's take your pick so we both lifted the rifles and let bleeze with the lead me taking the one to the right and him the one to the left. Unfortunately "goldenarms" quarry decided to duck at the last second and the shot was spoilt.....the air turned blue with some choice words but as he went for the second shot he found his mag was empty....double bollocks!!. He turned and saw that my shot had "hit home" he say's go on then shoot the fecker!!!, it started up the hill for the hedgeline at the top of the field but made the mistake of stopping before it made it to the hedge.....another well placed shot to the back of it's head ( more luck than good management ) saw another one bite the dust. It was straight in the bag with the two of them then off to a friends house in order to drop them off for him and his ferrets....another satisfactory outing!!!!



Enjoy folks and happy hunting




good shooting you's two and great pic

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Evening one and all just thought I'd put this post up of a mooch me and "goldenarms" were on after work yesterday afternoon, got up to one of our usual "haunts" around 6ish and the weather was great. Walked to the quarry where the rabbits are plentyful and took up position, it was'nt long before I heard my shooting partner rattling shots off to my left and it was'nt long before he came into view holding his "prize" grinning from ear to ear. I had a few close encounters but it seemed like one of those days when I could'nt hit feck all !!! but patience payed off after a 20 min wait laid down behind a gravel bed a steady shot saw one drop minus the top of it's head....nice. A further walk around to the river saw these two beauties basking in the late afternoon sun right at the top of a steep hill overlooking the river, "goldenarms" say's take your pick so we both lifted the rifles and let bleeze with the lead me taking the one to the right and him the one to the left. Unfortunately "goldenarms" quarry decided to duck at the last second and the shot was spoilt.....the air turned blue with some choice words but as he went for the second shot he found his mag was empty....double bollocks!!. He turned and saw that my shot had "hit home" he say's go on then shoot the fecker!!!, it started up the hill for the hedgeline at the top of the field but made the mistake of stopping before it made it to the hedge.....another well placed shot to the back of it's head ( more luck than good management ) saw another one bite the dust. It was straight in the bag with the two of them then off to a friends house in order to drop them off for him and his ferrets....another satisfactory outing!!!!



Enjoy folks and happy hunting




good shooting you's two and great pic

this quarry seems a good place to shoot, 2 good rabbits :good::good:
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hi coney

nice post, & pics you two make a good team { goldenarms } nice to see your both keeping busy.

been out me self but problem with me camera and me computer going out again thursday hope to have it sorted by then .

much better to hock them than carry them with you, and pick them up on your way back

nice shooting you guys

happy hunting




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