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Well they come in all colours shapes & sizes & some make good workers & some dont, i did home lots of lighter coloured ferrets when i rescued to people with birds , but other than that people had what they fancied basically :thumbs:

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Yeh thats what i think i have 2 ferrets that arnt sable and work well, but me mate has a sable which hunts the holes deeper and bolts the rabbits a little quicker but i think its from more exeriance than colour.

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I think there all the same but it helps if you bred worker to worker as ive nearly every colour apart from polecat and there all up for a days graft or they wouldn't be here

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Cant see them creeping out a burrow in hedges its bad enough with my sandies coming out a burrow in dead grass being a blind old git i like a lighter coloured ferret i can see moving about on top

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Guest lurcherboy2008

nobody can say what colour makes the besrt ferret, if a polecat was stuck in the run for most its life and hunted 2ce a year and a albino is out 2/3 times a week whats going to be the best do you think? ferret is a ferret time and work will make them good and if not GET RID :thumbs:

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  gnipper said:
Mate of mine reckoned that poleys could jump better than albinos etc until i pointed out that you get poleys and albinos in the same litter :wallbash::wallbash:


They can and also poleys can be taught to catch salmon.Rumoured they can hold their breath under water for up to 4mins. :laugh:

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