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Biten by a fox??

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Got bitten in the ankle when I was about 14 trying to break a lurcher off a fox, dirty b*****d, tetanus sorted me out though but it f*****g hurt they aint like a dog they just don't wanna let go. :realmad:

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Got bitten in the ankle when I was about 14 trying to break a lurcher off a fox, dirty b*****d, tetanus sorted me out though but it f*****g hurt they aint like a dog they just don't wanna let go. :realmad:



Sounds painfull :o



It was :blink:

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i wont be in as big a hurry to get in on the action again, as i ran in on the lurcher and fox i fcuking slipped, put my hand out to break my fall and old foxy grabbed it, seconds later the lurcher started shaking the fcuker!!!

my lass was sitting in the van at the gate, she said i was making more noise than dog or fox :icon_redface::icon_redface: had a hand like a cornish pasty :D for a week :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know a guy a few years ago he was out with the terriers got a fox thought it was dead,

The farmer had asked him to show him what he caught,,

so he through the fox over his shoulder to take it back to the car as he was walking along mr fox woke up and latched onto his bum,,, :cry::cry:

it must of been really sore as he couldn't sit down properly for about a week :haha::haha:


needless to say that that was the last time he went out without a game bag

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