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Missing Waterloocup

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Hi everybody

Since the unnecessary ban about hunting with dogs came into place it hasn't really afected me.Apart from the mostimportant day in my fildsports calander.The Waterloo cup.Just wanted to know how every body else thought about it.I had attended the Waterloocup since I was 14 years old until it was banned so I have been to 25 waterloo cups.Some really memorable occasions good days coursing,good craic,drinking in southport,curry in southport,hangovers day after ,coursing day after on withens,seeing same characters year after year,having a laugh when antis turned up,having a bigger laugh when antis charged across a beat and coppers said at em lads[a long time ago],seeing unbelievable amount of Hares through binoculars,Seeing quality coursing with few Hares caught.

But the most important thing is that I was able to take my son of 10 years old to the last Waterloo cup to let him experience what I had enjoyed all them years.He did enjoy it and had some good laughs especially when the drunk stripped off ran onto field and started swimming in flooded field mud.Hope it comes back but unfortunately I can't see it.

Regards Mark

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Hi everybody

Since the unnecessary ban about hunting with dogs came into place it hasn't really afected me.Apart from the mostimportant day in my fildsports calander.The Waterloo cup.Just wanted to know how every body else thought about it.I had attended the Waterloocup since I was 14 years old until it was banned so I have been to 25 waterloo cups.Some really memorable occasions good days coursing,good craic,drinking in southport,curry in southport,hangovers day after ,coursing day after on withens,seeing same characters year after year,having a laugh when antis turned up,having a bigger laugh when antis charged across a beat and coppers said at em lads[a long time ago],seeing unbelievable amount of Hares through binoculars,Seeing quality coursing with few Hares caught.

But the most important thing is that I was able to take my son of 10 years old to the last Waterloo cup to let him experience what I had enjoyed all them years.He did enjoy it and had some good laughs especially when the drunk stripped off ran onto field and started swimming in flooded field mud.Hope it comes back but unfortunately I can't see it.

Regards Mark

It was great but I prefered that Anglia cup when I went once.It was more of a coursing crowd looking for sport rather than getting pissed.I didnt go for as many years as you by the sound but for me the drinking and yobs making spectacles of themselves took the spotlight off what should have been the greatest coursing spectacle in the world.Quite often when people talk about the waterloo they say more about what they drank than the actual coursing.When coursing does return I think it should be alchol free. No better not say that or Garrett Kelly would definately not slip. NEVER GIVE UP
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only the labour bas****s to blame for that mate,can only keep fingers crossed and hope the conservitives get back in and think about all the coursing and fox hunting lovers and lift this ban wich should never have been done in the first place all because the anti mob gave a labour million back hander a think if all the hunting people out there stuck together we could have raised more then the anti mob to keep our sport alive...true or false :thumbs:

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did any of you ever go into britians smallest pup after the coursing,great banter and great wee sing song,can,t remember name of it but felt like it was about ten feet square with 100 people in it.great memories, really going to miss them

johnk snr

Edited by johnk
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did any of you ever go into britians smallest pup after the coursing,great banter and great wee sing song,can,t remember name of it but felt like it was about ten feet square with 100 people in it.great memories, really going to miss them

johnk snr

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did any of you ever go into britians smallest pup after the coursing,great banter and great wee sing song,can,t remember name of it but felt like it was about ten feet square with 100 people in it.great memories, really going to miss them

johnk snr


Do you mean 'PUB' John, if so would you be talking about one in Lydiate..... The Scotch Piper??


Its far from being the smallest but it is one of the oldest. Not a bad pint either!! ;)

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Many a good night spent in Scarisbrick!!!!!!! It wasn't about a good drink the cup it was all about the Coursing watching the Hares twist and turn and escape from the dogs.Ipersonally wanted every Hare to escape especially after a long hard course.BUT when the antis turned up how I badly wanted a kill{and usually wasn't dissapointed]I would jump up like a fan cheering a goal in FA cup final when a Hare was pulled down.As soon as they had gone back to normal cheering on the Hare.Back to drinking it wasn't about it but the coursing and drinking did go hand in hand.

it was a little holiday to us and how many of you go on holiday and don't have a drink!

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was there in 2003 with freinds from over the states they enjoyed it stayed at the balmoral had a good time for two days went coursing on the third on our own etc , they says that was some spectacle loved it sold alot of books there so paid for spending money great day and good crack ,saw a nice bitch who caught her hares well a god greyhound with a great mouth been a few years but that was the last ,all the best

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the scarisbrick has now closed down , probabley due to the waterloo cup being banned.i bet it made at least 4 months profit over the 3 days the cup was on.i wonder how many small buisnesses have gone under due to the hunting ban :no:

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the scarisbrick has now closed down , probabley due to the waterloo cup being banned.i bet it made at least 4 months profit over the 3 days the cup was on.i wonder how many small buisnesses have gone under due to the hunting ban :no:



Are you sure about that?

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