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hi all just asking a question i have got 2 kits left they will be 9 weeks old on thursday can i frontline them now and would it harm the other ferrets ifthey started licking each other thanks :victory:

Do they actually HAVE fleas..........or is it just a precautionary measure. The reason i ask is... i only ever treat mine if i find fleas on them........and then a very light dusting of puppy flea powder soon clears them up........more cost effective too. :thumbs:

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as stated, unless they have flea's, why do it,

as kitts they arn't going to be put down burrows just yet are they, in which case no rabbit flea's


if your worried about cat/dog flea's then treat the host animal, flea's from other animals cannot breed on a different host species, ie a ferret

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As said above, only treat when needed.

These companies tell you to treat you animals all the time, but it's just to keep the sales of they're product ticking over. So your animal might get fleas, big deal, if you inspect them often enough, you'll soon know if they have a few fleas hopping about, then's the time to treat them, after all, I don't splash the nit lotion all over my kids once a month, 'just in case,' and they're not lifting with nits...... :laugh:

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