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Dunno if they will accept me i got a weird blood group if i remember correctly


That may mean that they need it more. Some of the rarer blood types are used for plasma extraction which is to aide new born babies who are in incubators and such.


Whereas, people think they have a rare blood type means that the blood service need it more, it is actually the opposite because so many people are one type, O +/-, then they need as much of that type as possible as it is the most in demand.


But at least the Blood service will confirm your blood group and you may find yourself helping babies develop normally and healthily.



SS :thumbs:


P.S I am O Rhesus Positive, the most common of all. So I am in demand :clapper:


P.P.S I dont think Ditch was having a go at you Scothunter :thumbs:

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I have given blood three times and almost certainly will again. I suffer from very bad fear of needles :icon_redface: which I know is stupid as wounds from black-thorns ,brambles , barbed -wire and fish-hooks go virtually unnoticed.


First time I gave was as much in an attempt to overcome this fear as from any social concience. Tried accupuncture for the same reason. To anyone who would like to give blood but dislikes needles I'd say that the whole experience was ,for me at least , very different from the terror of being approached by a syringe-toting nurse in a "hospital" situation . That comes from a self confessed wimp. :thumbs:


PS I think typeO is in most demand because it can be given to people of nearly every blood group without rejection.So it's no good saying "they won't want mine .I'm too common".

Edited by comanche
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  sportingshooter06 said:
As Above,

I am off ,as usual every six months to give blood to the Welsh Blood Service.


I think it is both important and satisfying to give blood and to be honest, it doesn't take an awful lot of effort to do so.


If they are around mid-week then you may just get yourself a paid afternoon off work.


How many do though?



SS :thumbs:

Havent done it since I was a student, but I did it regularly back then, as it meant you didnt have to drink as much to get pissed!!


Worth doing though as it is going to a very good cause. :victory:

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I had to have a blood transfusion a few years back after a burst eptopic so a big THANKS everyone who gives blood if i didnt have it i would have died. Unfortunately it means that i cant give blood now to repay that debt. I did try but they wont accept me.

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  maxhardcore said:
  scothunter said:
if they came to my house no problem.Im not going out my way and hospitals stink

i dont think going into a STINKEY hospital would be to much of a chore if you needed a operation, blood ect .


Suppose not but seriously the smell makes me feel sick.It reminds me of school dinners which i despised. :censored:

School has left its mark on me i cannot drink milk to this day cz i was forced to drink that warm putrid shit in school

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I agree with you scothunter, I hate hospitals and can't drink milk. Strange memories can last a lifetime.

BUT, as SS says, blood donation sessions are rarely at hospitals. If you contact your nearest bloodbank office, they will send you a list of collecting days and venues, in your locality. Pick one convenient for yourself and make an appointment. The biggest single complaint was the waiting, but methods have been improved. You should get tested, donated and have your tea and biccies in less than an hour nowadays. I go on a Friday to a local village hall,they have a afternoon session and a evening one. So I can go whatever shift I am on. I am up to about 60 pints now.

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