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Black Terrier Pups For Sale

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Guest warren
  BIG BULL X said:
just cos i heard some dodgy stuff bout a warren from hartlepool dealing in black patts due soon

Hello Big Bull X, these are not my pups, I'm just doing a mate a favour. I have just seen the pups for the first time today when I took someone to buy one. Regards Warren

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  BIG BULL X said:
just cos i heard some dodgy stuff bout a warren from hartlepool dealing in black patts due soon

big bull,his names not warren and hes not from hartlepool.hes just a good bloke doing a favour for a mate.iv just been and picked myn up and these dogs are riddled with digging blood,im very gratefull to "warren" for taking me for my bitch.like its been said in this post these are digging dogs from digging lads.i was happy to see the middleton bred dog "barney" wich i have seen in the mags was the grandsire and to see him in the flesh was a plesure, a real worker.thanks again mate,all the best.lee. ;)

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Guest warren

Thanks for putting things right bigbird and greggy. I'm pleased your happy with your pup greggy, you stand as much chance with that little beauty as you would any other. I will sort as much of her history out for you as I possably can. Good luck wiyh her and keep in touch. Regards Waren

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Guest warren
  BIG BULL X said:
ok my appologies mate sorry nfor the confusion

Thank you BIG BULL X, not a problem. Regards Warren....... PS There are still a couple of pups left.

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