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Bullie against saluki.

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The Salukix's will always be more capable of taking more varied game than a bullX.


If had to rely on a dog to work all quarry over all terrain day in day out it would a Saluki rather than a bullx.


I keep Salukis for many reasons, one of those reasons is their versatility.


got to agree how many bull x men and saluki men use them for going out ferreting or the smaller game with success and how many bull x bring their game back to hand without it being crunched ie a rabbit


Plenty of folk up and down the country are running saluki's on rabbits and taking as big a bags as you would be able to take with any dog.


Some bullxs could well be useful alrounders if the mix is just right but IMO it harder to achieve with this breeding than it is with Saluki's and their Xs.





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  leegreen said:
Has any one seen an APB do obediance work or Schutsland activities, they are spot on, never seen them using Saluki's :laugh: , I'm approaching this from a trainabilty angle.



what they don't do obedience with saluki's :wallbash: anyway were on about hunting ability

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  mC HULL said:
  leegreen said:
Has any one seen an APB do obediance work or Schutsland activities, they are spot on, never seen them using Saluki's :laugh: , I'm approaching this from a trainabilty angle.



what they don't do obedience with saluki's :wallbash: anyway were on about hunting ability


Stop banging your head and read the small print "I'm approaching this from a trainabilty angle" :victory:

Edited by leegreen
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  leegreen said:
  mC HULL said:
  leegreen said:
Has any one seen an APB do obediance work or Schutsland activities, they are spot on, never seen them using Saluki's :laugh: , I'm approaching this from a trainabilty angle.



what they don't do obedience with saluki's :wallbash: anyway were on about hunting ability


Stop banging your head and read the small print "I'm approaching this from a trainabilty angle" :victory:



yes i no what i was saying is they do obedience with saluki's aswell saluki's aren't the easiest to train but with a bit of effort it can be done :thumbs:

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Oh I was thinking more from a hunting point of veiw.


There are people that have done high level obedience work with salukis but thats not really what a saluki is about really is it. They are an all out no nonsense hunting dog.



I used my first Saluki and salukiXs as all purpose working dogs, they were with me 24/7 when I was keepering beating/picking up, dogging back poults, finding and killing foxes, fox drives lamping, tracking deer, ferreting dog, coursing hares and the pures are good guard dogs. Most bullXs would of broke down running the terrain I work/ed the salukis on.

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There is a lot to be said about the amount of time you give any dog especially a pup, but you have also got to remember about the explosive sprints from Bull x's, alot of stuff around here gets caught fairly quickly, Saluki's are not reknown for their sprint's are they? I've only really seen Saluki's work large open area's.

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  leegreen said:
There is a lot to be said about the amount of time you give any dog especially a pup, but you have also got to remember about the explosive sprints from Bull x's, alot of stuff around here gets caught fairly quickly, Saluki's are not reknown for their sprint's are they? I've only really seen Saluki's work large open area's.


it's all about what you breed the dog for a half x bull hasn't alot of speed you get full saluki's that can catch in small field's some are only good for big land the fast bull's are normally 3/4 greyhound if you get a 3'4 greyhound 1/4 saluki you would have no problem in small field's a lad here had one it was one good dog :thumbs:

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  mC HULL said:
  leegreen said:
There is a lot to be said about the amount of time you give any dog especially a pup, but you have also got to remember about the explosive sprints from Bull x's, alot of stuff around here gets caught fairly quickly, Saluki's are not reknown for their sprint's are they? I've only really seen Saluki's work large open area's.


it's all about what you breed the dog for a half x bull hasn't alot of speed you get full saluki's that can catch in small field's some are only good for big land the fast bull's are normally 3/4 greyhound if you get a 3'4 greyhound 1/4 saluki you would have no problem in small field's a lad here had one it was one good dog :thumbs:

What a load of shite.. There are some racey 1st cross dogs that will smash salukis all over the place in small fields.. In fact most of them will. Have you ever seen one run, or do your lips move before you think.. Why do people add a dash of bull to the non ped racers?? beacause it works!!!

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  stormrider8 said:
  mC HULL said:
  leegreen said:
There is a lot to be said about the amount of time you give any dog especially a pup, but you have also got to remember about the explosive sprints from Bull x's, alot of stuff around here gets caught fairly quickly, Saluki's are not reknown for their sprint's are they? I've only really seen Saluki's work large open area's.


it's all about what you breed the dog for a half x bull hasn't alot of speed you get full saluki's that can catch in small field's some are only good for big land the fast bull's are normally 3/4 greyhound if you get a 3'4 greyhound 1/4 saluki you would have no problem in small field's a lad here had one it was one good dog :thumbs:

What a load of shite.. There are some racey 1st cross dogs that will smash salukis all over the place in small fields.. In fact most of them will. Have you ever seen one run, or do your lips move before you think.. Why do people add a dash of bull to the non ped racers?? beacause it works!!!



the first cross is proberbly racey because it's threw to the greyhound side alot of saluki's and there xs can catch and catch well in small field's have you ever seen one run or do your lip's move before you think i never said the bull x couldn't catch a bit of bull in my oppion is a good thing i have one here that's nine with a bit of bull in him he took all game but the topic was which is the best all rounder i think a saluki cross all the way why do people add a bit of greyhound to the saluki ????????????because it work !!!!!!!!!!!

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A first cross is a first cross! no matter how its bred, pure to pure or first cross to first cross. Doesnt matter what it looks like..


Ive seen plenty run and they have all been useless, on small ground.. thats why i started the topic!! Now i know you open your mouth before u think.. Why would you need to add one runnin dog to another.. maybe because one aint such a good ruuner in the first place..

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  stormrider8 said:
A first cross is a first cross! no matter how its bred, pure to pure or first cross to first cross. Doesnt matter what it looks like..


Ive seen plenty run and they have all been useless, on small ground.. thats why i started the topic!! Now i know you open your mouth before u think.. Why would you need to add one runnin dog to another.. maybe because one aint such a good ruuner in the first place..



mate you talk utter shite your saying a saluki isn't a good running dog i can't believe what i'm hearing it's been around thousand's of year's doing just that and are still doing it and will still be doing it long after bull xs and that's a fact what out of fox,deer,hare and rabbit do you think a bull x is better on tha a saluki x if you was to go up and down the country lamping and coursing with 1 dog slip's ???

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haveing seeing more dogs than most and hunting al over the usa etc the saluki cross is more versatile for me better feet more running sense , and the tor of dartmooor genuine half crosses were more than spunky enough to catch foxes without encouragment , the bull cross i would give an early grave as they are to heavy muscled for feild after feild driveing stubbles coursing flushing hares on hard stubbles , but i still think and eighht wouldnt do any harm im lucky my collie line is game so dont need bull in them , but if i losst my line of colli type i would maybe have a quart bull but would study them first as wind and feet pace, is a must localy, and good hunting sense as its not all one way traffic and you need hunting sense for running all sortsof quarry cheers

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