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ive done a tandem jump over hawaiis north shore.i figured if i was going to do something a bit dangerous i might aswell enjoy one of the best views the world has to other on the way down.

everybody should do it,its brilliant.

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  • 6 months later...

The most dangerous part of parachuting is the person themselves..I am a qualified skydiver and military parachutist, not a great deal to worry about mate..Just believe in your drills, in your instructor, and in your self..I will try a nd stick some photos up when i get a chance...Just dont do anything stupid!!

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I'd do it nee botha,why? Cos im a fruit loop :clapper:


Seriously though,my old fella was a para and he reckoned its a fantastic rush,dunno what height he jumped from but my sister has some photos of when he was jumping,looks awesome.


Anyway lifes not about being all warm safe and cosy all the time,sometimes you need to be scared sh#tless,take afew risks and collect a few scars,otherwise youve got nothing to talk to the grandbairns about hehehe :clapper:


Yeah i'd do it mate,in fact im going to look into it see how much it costs,im 45 but i reckon it would be fantastic to try it.

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  ilovetoshoot12345 said:
one of my freinds is into parachuting and wants me to go with him, it looks a bit risky

you have to do a few training sessions first

just wondering if anyone knows anything about it and how dangerous is it??


Give it a go mate you'l love it I did 16 years military alot different to what you will do.

My son did it (ithink just to be one up on his dad) this is him first freefall,Not attached to the aircraft. :victory:


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Parachuting is bloody excellent mate.


Only did a couple of jumps - not tandem, but static line - and the adrenaline rush beats solo rock climbing or caving.


Mackem, cave diving has got a lot safer than it was in the '70s when there was allegedly a 1 in 10 chance that any one cave diver would be dear within a year.

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