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What is needed for pigeon hunting

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What is the basic needs for going pigeon hunting and the best thing for attracting them?

a female pidgeon on heat :laugh: no mate i shoot a lot in woods when they come to roost with full realtree gear on. or as gilly says good hide and deeks :gunsmilie:

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As already said Gun, cartridges, decoy plastic pigeons a hide.


The most important other thing you will need is knowledge. Your best bet really is to invite someone who is experienced at this - that person will teach you more in a day than what you will learn (generally the hard way) being out 10 times on your own.


Failing phoning a friend. plan the day you intend to go, then the day before just go there with a pair of binos and study which way the birds are flighting in and to what part of the field they are favouring - no point going and setting up in a place that is convenient to you if the birds are coming into the field the opposite side of where you are set up.


On hot days pigeons will feed first thing and especially if they are on barley or wheat will then disappear to find water then sit around in trees to digest their food before returning again to that field


Place your decoys - 12 at least in a rough pattern generally with their heads towards the wind (pigeons will always land into the wind. Place these out about 20 - 30 yards from your hide.


When in the hide keep your movements to a bear minimum - you can forget about all this fancy camo gear - it is the lack of movement that conceals you not your clothing.


Oh and finally - not wishing to nit pick, and assuming you are not American, the only hunting we have in the UK is with dogs - we pigeon shoot or duck/pheasant shoot - we dont hunt them!! :whistling:





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