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Your worst top 10

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Im in an agro mood so i thought id list what pis$es me off




3.Aragunt People

4.People that wont lisen

5.Dentists lol

6.losing at rugby

7.Big brother

8.Turkish people and russians and Germans (not ment to be racist but ive just spent 2 weeks in turkey and they really got on my nerves)


10.Warm beer


Rant over lol wots yours.?

Edited by sureshot
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I told you about that didnt I joe? :icon_eek: Gambia is worse though,and Tunisia,they think all middle-aged western women are sex-tourists,theres loads of horror stories of women old enough to know better marrying guys young enough to be their grand-sons then getting dumped once the guys have a UK visa :clapper:

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1. Burberry caps.

2. Anti's, in particular those that will not accept others have opinions too...

3. Car tax (£400 quid a year???????).

4. Fuel prices (Especially as I drive a landrover).

5. The euro exchange rate (Just back from France-bloody dear).

6. ASDA.

7. Thieving bas*****- so much stuff going missing these days.

8. Rainy summer days/weeks /months-what is this shi*

9. Gordon Brown.

10. My broken sky plus box-bloody thing





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my top ten rant

pucey coloured cars/bikes (yellow and pink, why for goodnes sake)



white van drivers (the bad kind)

people who don't use their indicators properly

animal cruelty

deluded whiny idiots on property programs (yes 18th century cottages have low ceilings and little rooms on average)

wasps (come on,what purpose do they really serve)

hoodies who are a pain in societies a**e and who are oxygen wasters

and coming in on the top spot



really i should live somewhere quite isolated and away from civilisation!!!!!!!

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In no particular order....



Lazy buggers at work who get paid the same as me

Centre lane Owner-Occupiers

New Labour

Okra/Ladies fingers.....like eating snot

Junk mail, both email and paper

Those b*****ds that shot Jerry Tobin (RIP)

People that don't treat animals with respect



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Labour especially Hazel Blears

ASBO rat kids

Dole scroungers and chavs in general



West highland terriers

BMW drivers


Most judges

Todays over politicised, ineffective police service

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Hav'nt owned a TV for years (OK I do see other peoples from time to time ) and since giving it up I no longer get wound -up by lying B*stard politicians,"House-mates "who should be gathered together in the Big-Brother jacuzzi and made to play water-polo with an electric toaster, American military propaganda or the fact that no-matter how attractive a weather-girl is ,she always appears on the screen fully dressed. :whistling:


Hence my list is a bit mundane.

In no particular order;TV - 90% of it anyway.

Dangling/tangling electric cables (OTC :thumbs: )

Ditto hose-pipes

Ladders-not climbing em-lugging the things about,tying em on the roof-rack,extending them

without breaking a customer's house or losing a finger.

Cheap cross-head screws that appear to be made of soft cheese.

Dog owners who say ,"Oh let them play".

Drivers of big shiny cars and 4x4's that on narrow roads assume I won't mind driving into the

hedge because my little Suzuki is 21 years old .

Modern shoe-laces - they undo themselves.

Lying b*stard politicians -Just coz I don't see em so much does'nt mean they've stopped lying.

No 10-well I'm still p*ssed off that Lucy Lawless did'nt reply to any of my 300 letters let alone send me any nude pictures..."Stalking and harassment",the solicitor called it.I called it courtship. :whistling:

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