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I run Country Sports Radio for the UCSW and I would like some feedback.


I have been running this podcast site for over a year we have 21 podcasts. We have had 22,000 hits on the site and 10,000 downloads of the podcasts. BUT I have had no feedback at all.


no one has said " I like it" "it's great" or "it's crap" not a word.


I hope that you very vice people on this site may be able to help me.


ian the gun

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Ian, I for one know nothing about this, no doubt I am not alone. Can you post a bit more detail then perhaps more will give it a go.

Is it actually a radio thing or do you access it through the PC? What's the frequency or address?

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ian the gun . how are you ? i have listened to alot of your podcasts . i download them from itunes and listen to them in work . they are good podcasts , the last one i listened to was the basc game keepers fair and have today downloaded the north somerset show part 1 and 2 . keep up the good work mate but i think the podcasts need to be promoted more . i also dowload the sporting gun podcasts by james marchington . if you like , as a rep. for nobs i can put a post on their forum promoting the podcasts . i also have a few groups that i run on facebook , i will spread the word there for you too . in fact james is a friend of mine on facebook , i will send a link to him lol :D

i think i am right in saying the basc game keepers fair included an interview with mike roberts who runs the bango competitions , mike is also a good friend of mine .

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how do you download them to save as i can not seem to do it. i can listern but not save them, i was going to put them on my mp3 player to listern to in the van at work because there is sod all on the radio durint the night (night time trunk driver) and just thought it be a good idea. keep up the good work great pod cast,s as well

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