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Everyone criticises cannabis as being a gateway drug into harder substances,but arent cigarettes for some people the pathway to marijuana,smoking,having that slim white stick in your hands?


No Mack...a different sort of thing i think. I've tried it, but it's never been for me. I don't want to feel half baked on purpose!!!! :whistling::laugh:

I have sat in a room with people smoking normal ciggies and felt woozy and nauseous :blink:

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smoked for 15 year, until 8 days ago, and still going strong, no patchs no pills no feck all.. and i smoked 20 a day .. its all in the head.....


Ha ha tell me about it...i gave up for 18 months after smoking for 20 years...but still have gone back for more....as for all the other ANTIS ....basically no better than the others...an anti is an anti be it against smoking or hunting, to me the same thing...i do what i want, it's my choice, my life & my money...as i have said before in the past theres a lot of people out there who are fit as fiddles & never smoked etc..and a hell of a lot of em will be struck down with heart disease and cancer, so i'l take me chances

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smoked for 15 year, until 8 days ago, and still going strong, no patchs no pills no feck all.. and i smoked 20 a day .. its all in the head.....


Ha ha tell me about it...i gave up for 18 months after smoking for 20 years...but still have gone back for more....as for all the other ANTIS ....basically no better than the others...an anti is an anti be it against smoking or hunting, to me the same thing...i do what i want, it's my choice, my life & my money...as i have said before in the past theres a lot of people out there who are fit as fiddles & never smoked etc..and a hell of a lot of em will be struck down with heart disease and cancer, so i'l take me chances


Thats fair enough, but life is too short, why help shorten it even more? :(

Thats how i see it anyway. ;)

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I don't think that all anti-smokers can be compared to anti-hunters.


If someone wants to smoke thats their own business and their own health, but if they smoke in my presence then they are directly affecting me. If someone goes hunting they are not doing anything that directly affects anti-hunters.


Anti-smokers are quite right to stand up against something that affects them,




Anti-hunters are just idiots that want to stop something that has no direct consequences for them whatsoever.

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no different, its still a cause......everyone to there own, i will always ask if its ok to smoke in someone elses air space...if i'm round the other halfs i smoke in the garden rain or shine as she is ashmatic.....i put more in the system with the taxes i pay for smokes so i should not be exempt from medical care as well

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