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Britain Close To Recession

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thats what happens when you put a scot incharge of a superpower, :whistling:


he did a shit job as chancellor and now he's doing even worse!


never mind the fact his head looks like a my ballbag on a cold morning


If I recall correctly before "a scot" was in charge of a "super power" your previous leaders were English and they wern't so f*****g hot either :thumbdown:

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Well, there is a major world recession, caused by greed in the money markets

The man on the street has to pay more to get less of almost everything, caused by greed on the commodity markets

The price of oil has rocketed, caused by huge demand from China and India and the almost impossible levels of greed from OPEC.

The government wants to pay everyone they can less than the rise in the cost of living so that demand slumps (people can't afford things) and prices are driven down by competition.

Of course, the hardship caused to millions is just an incidental statistic.


But there is Good News!!


If your an MP, you have just voted to keep the system of "perks" and "Fiddles" that will give you, approximately, a 120% on top of your basic salary (circa £68,000) so for attending parliament, getting a subsidised restaurant, bunging the wife, kids and any other hangers on loads for feck all you get a salary that puts you into the top 10% of earners in the country.


And people wonder why there is an every man for himself attitude out there, its there because it needs to be :censored: :censored:


On the subject of the "immigrants" we are now part of the great big un-happy family that is the EU, there are no more "immigrants" they can come and go as they please, its their country too!!!!

They can come to the UK, bring the wife and kids, go to the DSS and get council tax benefit, income support cause their looking for a job and when they get a job they then get Family Tax Credits cause they don't earn much and need more.


Oh and the pensioners who have help to fund the benefits system with a life-times national insurance can't turn the heating on in the winter cause they may have saved a little money for their old age .


There is, i'm afraid, little or no difference between any of the greedy w*nk*rs in parliament, they line their own pockets and are proof that the "every man for himself" theory goes all the way to top.


Sorry people, anarchy it has to be until some-one manages to take notice and starts to put right the wrongs that successive governments since 1972 have committed.



PS: vote monster raving loony, you know it makes sense :tongue2: :tongue2:

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