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I arrived at my ground for 1st light and really hoped I would score this morning as the weather was quite good.Anyway after stalking for 2 hours I had seen nothing and was starting to get a bit disheartened when suddenly I spooked a doe with twin kids............this was 9.30am.

I carried on stalking and headed for the far end of my ground where I thought I might be lucky.

I glassed the valley and spotted 3 roe dowm by the river, a doe and 2 bucks.I watched them for about 10 minutes and noticed that the buck at the back of the group was lagging behing the others and carrying a leg.


I decided that on humane grounds I would have to dispatch him first, which is what I did , the others making a hasty retreat.


I had to drag this beast about 1 mile back to my car , on arrival , it was now about 12.30 I spotted another 2 roe down by the river.


This time I sneaked down a dry stone wall and managed to bag both of them.


The 1st doe I shot at ran off and I thought I had missed but on inspection I actually shot it twice.


THe first shot had destroyed the beasts liver but it still managed to run about 70yards before I dropped it with a lung shot.


Great days stalking................................roll on the spring mornings out and about at 1st light :D:D



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THe first shot had destroyed the beasts liver but it still managed to run about 70yards before I dropped it with a lung shot.


your loseing it :whistle: :D


we got one the other day bit high on the shot like your self it was a lung shot but it walk a few paces then dropped could of shot the stag as well but ones enough



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i know the hill [bANNED TEXT] i carried a roe up it last year :yes: and it nearly did me in god knows what you were like after dragging three up the same hill :o:o nice going [bANNED TEXT] seems since they thinned the forest the roe have moved around quite a lot we will have to push those shelter belts through and have some fun :whistle: ;)












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