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any x box 360 users

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right, my missus has brought me an x box 360 (yeah, Im a big kid) and of course, want to get it online for "call of duty 4" the handbook says I can use a router via the pc, so what Id like to know, is, is there a special one I should go for, or will any do?

also, once Ive got one, and plugged it all together, do I need to programme the computer some how? or can I just switch on and go :hmm:

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right, my missus has brought me an x box 360 (yeah, Im a big kid) and of course, want to get it online for "call of duty 4" the handbook says I can use a router via the pc, so what Id like to know, is, is there a special one I should go for, or will any do?

also, once Ive got one, and plugged it all together, do I need to programme the computer some how? or can I just switch on and go :hmm:


Once call of duty is completed it will be in the for sale section :laugh:

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just connect the xbox straight to your router. it aint hard mate i managed to do it and things like that usually confuse the hell out of me.you dont need any special programmes. this site is a good one if you need any help. www.xbox-scene.com. hope this is of any use to you mate

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right, my missus has brought me an x box 360 (yeah, Im a big kid) and of course, want to get it online for "call of duty 4" the handbook says I can use a router via the pc, so what Id like to know, is, is there a special one I should go for, or will any do?

also, once Ive got one, and plugged it all together, do I need to programme the computer some how? or can I just switch on and go :hmm:


Once call of duty is completed it will be in the for sale section :laugh:


Ive compleated it already on the pc, now just wanna get online with it, free up the computer for the missus's :whistling:

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My computer is upstairs(out the way for porn :laugh: )i just use a long ethernet(spelling)from my xbox up to the computer upstairs,saves having another internet box downstairs,you just plug and play.Though its very rare i go on line to players out there are some bloody good plays out there :laugh:

Edited by MR TEA POT
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Guest buster321c

I piggy back mine through my laptop ( wireless ) so i dont have wires anywhere . all i have is my laptop next to the xbox , a cable between em and bobs your uncle :thumbs:

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my lad plays it on line, he has an xbox live wireless connection ( little unit on the x box) then works via the main wireless router..........had a go myself but got hammered!!!!!!


good luck stubby !!!!!!


watch out for the teabagging!!!!!!!!


all the best



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Is "call of duty 4" out yet for the 360?


Id say yes, as Ive been playing it :laugh:


yup, I have the wireless on the x box, but I still need a router on the pc, has anyone got an idea on makes/models etc,

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Guest buster321c
Is "call of duty 4" out yet for the 360?


Id say yes, as Ive been playing it :laugh:


yup, I have the wireless on the x box, but I still need a router on the pc, has anyone got an idea on makes/models etc,



Belkin 54g router , garanteed for life , any problem , they replace em free of charge and its free to call em and they will set up up over the phone . I had one stop working , so i rang em , next day one arrived in the post :clapper::clapper:

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