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Any weight lifters or bodybuilders...

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I remember seeing this a few years ago and it kinda puts things in to perspective about apathy, laziness and lack of effort.




Talk about insperational,




What a man, what a father. That is unbelivable just shows what you can do when you put your mind into it.


Very touching story.

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Socks,personally i would say he has the 2 main criteria for success in this game....1, he is genetically blessed....and 2, he has a great knowledge of training and nutrition.....strength wise i outlift him on every movement....but as is well known,bodybuilding is not about how strong you are its about how strong it LOOKS LIKE you are !


so are you saying he doesnt use gear ???

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Have you seen a top class bodybuilder over the past 20 years who doesnt ? or hasnt ?...but if you think gear is an instant remedy for success your wrong,in fact making the most of gear probably takes a lot more dedication than those who are natural......also,you could stick dale winton on a cycle and it wont make him any more of a man,change his genetic capabilities or give him knowledge on strength and conditioning....if there was a magic pill and it was that easy.............

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i am well aware of the upsides and downsides of steroid taking and its abilitys and limitations ... i was just making the point that you hadnt added a number 3 to the reason of this fellows success ;) ..........

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i am well aware of the upsides and downsides of steroid taking and its abilitys and limitations ... i was just making the point that you hadnt added a number 3 to the reason of this fellows success ;) ..........



Well i think most people who know him would put 2 or 3 other reasons in front of that one....in fact for many people i would place gear well down the list of reasons for their success......the truth is we all start out with the best intentions but when you really want to compete with the best....whether that be weightlifting,bodybuilding,sprinting or pretty much any other strength/endurance sport.....sport has evolved and time stands still for no man....so anyone competing should face facts....or come second !...if your not competing,hell what does it matter theres worse things going on in life!

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Steroids arnt some magic fix that if you take them you become massive , You still have to eat correctly train hard and sleep alot to get the gains out of them . Also take them with the correct knowledge to hand just taking a load of gear wont do you any good you want to do a cycle and get your body working again correctly at the end to keep as much of the gains youve got instead of losing them and in a lot of cases end up going backwards . Like anything in life knowledge and hard work are the key to success .

Still cheating and dangerous, best off putting in the hard work naturally knowing how you look and your fitness is enteirely yours and natural.



Cheating and dangerous ?


Have you done them ? sounds like you havnt .


If you do them sensibly they are a excellent training aid just like your overpriced maximuscle creatin , And as for cheating see my point you havnt used them before have you .

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lurcherboy2008 is well into his bodybuilding and rio they could give some good advice big b*****ds :thumbdown:



Rio ................. :clapper::clapper::clapper:


Glad I haven't got any friends like you!








Don't be being coy now, it was very obvious when I've seen you that you have worked very hard on creating your ultimate physique as I have too .............. :whistling:




GD, if your question is whether to go on the gear or not, don't.










now seen this thred you b*****ds


im to fit to be big :laugh::laugh:


dont listen to CC99 he's winding you up about me but RIO is the man to see if the plan is GEAR then PM rio hes been on it since the age of 17 and hes about 25 now and about 18 stone of pure muscle when i see him in the gym i almost drop he's bench pressing 60 KILOS a side with a 20 KILO bar :victory:


:whistling::whistling: i dont think i weigh 60 kilo alone lift it :tongue2:

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Guest lurcherboy2008
lurcherboy2008 is well into his bodybuilding and rio they could give some good advice big b*****ds :thumbdown:



Rio ................. :clapper::clapper::clapper:


Glad I haven't got any friends like you!








Don't be being coy now, it was very obvious when I've seen you that you have worked very hard on creating your ultimate physique as I have too .............. :whistling:




GD, if your question is whether to go on the gear or not, don't.










now seen this thred you b*****ds


im to fit to be big :laugh::laugh:


dont listen to CC99 he's winding you up about me but RIO is the man to see if the plan is GEAR then PM rio hes been on it since the age of 17 and hes about 25 now and about 18 stone of pure muscle when i see him in the gym i almost drop he's bench pressing 60 KILOS a side with a 20 KILO bar :victory:


:whistling::whistling: i dont think i weigh 60 kilo alone lift it :tongue2:


rio stop time wasting and give the boy some information he's asking someone for info and your the man too see in my eyes, are you comeing down the gym later? :thumbs:

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Guest lurcherboy2008
lurcherboy2008 is well into his bodybuilding and rio they could give some good advice big b*****ds :thumbdown:



Rio ................. :clapper::clapper::clapper:


Glad I haven't got any friends like you!








Don't be being coy now, it was very obvious when I've seen you that you have worked very hard on creating your ultimate physique as I have too .............. :whistling:




GD, if your question is whether to go on the gear or not, don't.










now seen this thred you b*****ds


im to fit to be big :laugh::laugh:


dont listen to CC99 he's winding you up about me but RIO is the man to see if the plan is GEAR then PM rio hes been on it since the age of 17 and hes about 25 now and about 18 stone of pure muscle when i see him in the gym i almost drop he's bench pressing 60 KILOS a side with a 20 KILO bar :victory:


:whistling::whistling: i dont think i weigh 60 kilo alone lift it :tongue2:


rio stop time wasting and give the boy some information he's asking someone for info and your the man too see in my eyes, are you comeing down the gym later? :thumbs:

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Guest lurcherboy2008

forgot to mention wilba1985 of this site is no stranger to steroids :icon_eek: very very big boy with amazing strength trained me since i was 15 years of age real powerhouse but full of water :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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forgot to mention wilba1985 of this site is no stranger to steroids :icon_eek: very very big boy with amazing strength trained me since i was 15 years of age real powerhouse but full of water :thumbdown::thumbdown:



he is what i would call mongstrong :laugh:

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Guest lurcherboy2008
forgot to mention wilba1985 of this site is no stranger to steroids :icon_eek: very very big boy with amazing strength trained me since i was 15 years of age real powerhouse but full of water :thumbdown::thumbdown:



he is what i would call mongstrong :laugh:


couldn't agree with you more, fecking bewty :laugh::laugh::toast:

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