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Any weight lifters or bodybuilders...

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dose any 1 on here who knows what they are talking about want to do me a very big favour

and sort me a training and diet plan to gain muscle but i also want to do a bit of fitness aswell


i go the gym about 4-5 times a week but theres is no 1 thats that big theres acouple but there

on juice and dont want to go down that route

ive been on my own plan for the last 8 weeks but the gains arnt rely that good ive been doing

1 body part each day 4 different exercises for 3 sets with 10 reps


if any 1 can help please let me know thanks

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as it happens when i was into training seriously i won a few little competitions ;) ............



....we have the current london and home counties over 100 kg runner up training here....he,s off season at the mo so 4 times the size of you and twice the size of me and dont train as hard as you


probably doesnt train as hard as me but is no doubt full to the hilt with growth test deca and sust ........


i cant afford to get to big as i have to be supple and mobile but strengh wise i go to the max .... at my peak i was repping 150 kgs for 4 sets of 8 reps not bad for a little 90 kg weed .........

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In know the feeling max, 10 years ago I used to cycle 20 miles a day, lift weights with my old man and spar. I was 6ft and 11 stone, I'm now a 17st lard ass who gets out of breath opening his second beer.......

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Just after a few answers to a few questions regards bodybuilding and weightlifting.


Does anyone on here work out seriously and know there stuff?


Joined a few forums in the past but mostly full of dick heads who dont know what theyre talking about, or they all give me shit advise, Lol.




what sort of advise do you want?

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Socks,personally i would say he has the 2 main criteria for success in this game....1, he is genetically blessed....and 2, he has a great knowledge of training and nutrition.....strength wise i outlift him on every movement....but as is well known,bodybuilding is not about how strong you are its about how strong it LOOKS LIKE you are !

Edited by gnasher16
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Steroids arnt some magic fix that if you take them you become massive , You still have to eat correctly train hard and sleep alot to get the gains out of them . Also take them with the correct knowledge to hand just taking a load of gear wont do you any good you want to do a cycle and get your body working again correctly at the end to keep as much of the gains youve got instead of losing them and in a lot of cases end up going backwards . Like anything in life knowledge and hard work are the key to success .

Edited by boris b
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Maximuscle supplements are a little more expensive but very good ie the protien and creatine.



Maximuscle supps are good......but Extreme are better .....just grabbing an opportunity of a plug for a friend :D


www.extremenutrition.co.uk ......can even get you 25 % discount if you drop me a pm !

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Guest lurcherboy2008
lurcherboy2008 is well into his bodybuilding and rio they could give some good advice big b*****ds :thumbdown:



Rio ................. :clapper::clapper::clapper:


Glad I haven't got any friends like you!








Don't be being coy now, it was very obvious when I've seen you that you have worked very hard on creating your ultimate physique as I have too .............. :whistling:




GD, if your question is whether to go on the gear or not, don't.










now seen this thred you b*****ds


im to fit to be big :laugh::laugh:


dont listen to CC99 he's winding you up about me but RIO is the man to see if the plan is GEAR then PM rio hes been on it since the age of 17 and hes about 25 now and about 18 stone of pure muscle when i see him in the gym i almost drop he's bench pressing 60 KILOS a side with a 20 KILO bar :victory:

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