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Any weight lifters or bodybuilders...

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i knew it wouldn't be long till the pic was up :clapper:


let me step in here,


for large body parts, chest ,back ect , i also do 16 sets of 4 difrent exercizes. but the first 2 sets on each exercize are just warm ups, about 50% then 75%. then the last 2 sets im trying to go to failiar at 5-8 reps.


i suspect this is similar to what socks is doing.

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Your looking well mate.....but you are still not training 16 sets per bodypart at maximum stress and then going for an hours cardio after....im not asking you im telling you :D .....i dont know how long you have been training but you dont appear to be training for size so i doubt you are lifting to your full capabilities anyway,hence you are not lifting to maximum stress....

If for every single one of your sets of 8 reps, your 7th rep is not forced and your 8th is not a negative rep...then your not training to maximum stress......i see lads every day juiced up to the eyeballs lifting ridiculous amounts of weight who couldnt and wouldnt dream of lifting to failure for 16 sets per bodypart !....like i said,i think your version of 100 % intensity is probably a lot different to mine....training to failure done correctly is the most physically stressful and demanding ways to train even for 1 month....no man alive could consistently train like this and certainly not for 16 sets per body part.


not training for size LOL ... when that pic was taken i was 5 foot 8 and weighed 90 kgs with 7% body fat ... and i am telling you i train to failure on every set ... evry 7th and 8th rep have to be spotted ... as for doing an hour cardio after a weights sesh thats feck all if i had more time to spare i would do longer ... you know nothing about me mate and dont know what my capabilities and fitness levels are ... i dont tell lies or try to make out i am something i am not ... i am telling you how i train whether you believe that ot not makes little difference to me ..............

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i knew it wouldn't be long till the pic was up :clapper:


let me step in here,


for large body parts, chest ,back ect , i also do 16 sets of 4 difrent exercizes. but the first 2 sets on each exercize are just warm ups, about 50% then 75%. then the last 2 sets im trying to go to failiar at 5-8 reps.


i suspect this is similar to what socks is doing.



12 working sets,and then 2 sets to failure.....is a very different thing to going to failure for 16 sets per bodypart !......and my guess is also,your not a beginner to lifting.......i maintain,16 sets at maximum intensity is physically impossible.....but a great way to put off a beginner !

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i knew it wouldn't be long till the pic was up :clapper:


let me step in here,


for large body parts, chest ,back ect , i also do 16 sets of 4 difrent exercizes. but the first 2 sets on each exercize are just warm ups, about 50% then 75%. then the last 2 sets im trying to go to failiar at 5-8 reps.


i suspect this is similar to what socks is doing.


nope this is how i train tomo ... lets say i am doing chest and my maximum is 130 kgs for 8 reps at 4 sets having to have rep 7 and 8 spotted ..... i start with an empty bar and do 60 fast presses to warm the muscles i then load on 70 kgs for a set of 12 reps ... i then load a 100kgs on for 10 reps .... these are not counted towards my sets as i class them as warm ups .......


whatever other sets i do for chest from then on are started at maximum ... for example if i then did incline press i would load the bar with 115 kgs and go straight into my 4 sets of 8 reps ...........

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Your right mate i dont believe you....im not calling you a liar im simply saying that your not training to maximum stress day in day out........if you was and your poundages were steadily increasing then your a, super human....or b,wasted talent and should be entering wsm contests......16 sets to failure per bodypart every workout ....oh that was without the 3 warm up sets....and the hours cardio after...... :D ....i thought id heard most things in this game but that takes some beating.....and lets not forget you was advising this to a lad whos a beginner !!!

Edited by gnasher16
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i knew it wouldn't be long till the pic was up :clapper:


let me step in here,


for large body parts, chest ,back ect , i also do 16 sets of 4 difrent exercizes. but the first 2 sets on each exercize are just warm ups, about 50% then 75%. then the last 2 sets im trying to go to failiar at 5-8 reps.


i suspect this is similar to what socks is doing.


nope this is how i train tomo ... lets say i am doing chest and my maximum is 130 kgs for 8 reps at 4 sets having to have rep 7 and 8 spotted ..... i start with an empty bar and do 60 fast presses to warm the muscles i then load on 70 kgs for a set of 12 reps ... i then load a 100kgs on for 10 reps .... these are not counted towards my sets as i class them as warm ups .......


whatever other sets i do for chest from then on are started at maximum ... for example if i then did incline press i would load the bar with 115 kgs and go straight into my 4 sets of 8 reps ...........


yep i get ya :thumbs:

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Your right mate i dont believe you....im not calling you a liar im simply saying that your not training to maximum stress day in day out........if you was and your poundages were steadily increasing then your a, super human....or b,wasted talent and should be entering wsm contests......16 sets to failure per bodypart every workout ....oh that was without the 3 warm up sets....and the hours cardio after...... :D ....i thought id heard most things in this game but that takes some beating.....and lets not forget you was advising this to a lad whos a beginner !!!


as it happens when i was into training seriously i won a few little competitions ;) ............

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Here's a simple one for you all, whats the best way for me to lose my beer belly but not lose all my other weight?????



And i've already stopped drinking the beer!!!! also dont have loads of free time to go and spend in a gym!!!!!

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as it happens when i was into training seriously i won a few little competitions ;) ............



Me too mate....but i tell you what,i dont know what part of the country your at...but anytime your down london way be sure to pop in and show all us mere mortals how its done wont you ;) ....we have the current london and home counties over 100 kg runner up training here....he,s off season at the mo so 4 times the size of you and twice the size of me and dont train as hard as you....

Failure is failure....100 % intensity is the same whether your a 9 stone weakling or 19 stone solid.....so could be a good learning curve watching you train :thumbs:

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Here's a simple one for you all, whats the best way for me to lose my beer belly but not lose all my other weight?????



And i've already stopped drinking the beer!!!! also dont have loads of free time to go and spend in a gym!!!!!



power walking best fat burner

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Here's a simple one for you all, whats the best way for me to lose my beer belly but not lose all my other weight?????



And i've already stopped drinking the beer!!!! also dont have loads of free time to go and spend in a gym!!!!!



power walking best fat burner


Tomo you never struck me as the sort to mince around town with a shell suit, headband and mp3 player............ :tongue2:

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:icon_redface: yes its a shock aint it :clapper:


perhaps i should re-phrase that. fast walking, not just a stroll. this is how i have lost my weight recently as well as a healthier diet. 3 mile in 45 mins about 4 mile an hour pace.

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Here's a simple one for you all, whats the best way for me to lose my beer belly but not lose all my other weight?????



And i've already stopped drinking the beer!!!! also dont have loads of free time to go and spend in a gym!!!!!



power walking best fat burner



I've just got a skipping rope to do 30 minute sessions and cutting down on food portions, on top of walking the dogs, i know this'll get rid of my gut, but i dont really wanna lose it everywhere else too though!!!!!

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