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Any weight lifters or bodybuilders...

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If its BIG you want to be pm Tommy or :Proudy of here , they are both BIG lads and are getting bigger bye the day :victory:



You'll be in for a shock pretty soon TC :yes: :yes: Mock all you Like :notworthy: :notworthy:


ATB TOMMY :victory: :victory:

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only ever been to a gym twice ..i had to go back the second time to see if what i so the first time was for real ... :clapper::clapper::clapper: ..rip yer sleves and yer collar of yer t shirt ..shove a few needles up yer arse ..get yer self a big mirrior and yer in bussness...... :clapper::clapper::clapper: ......

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it is easy to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time it just takes a little extra time than most people have ....


you need to start by going on a high protein low fat and medium carb diet and stick to it fairly rigidley


secondly when you go to the gym you need to set yourself 2 hours for a training session .... use the first hour for a weight training session concentrating on just one body part ... by the time you have done taht your heart rate should be up in the fat burning zone ... if not then it wont take long to get there .....


after the weight sesh do your cardio whether it be bike or running but do only a fat burning session do not get into the realms of a cardio workout ......


you need to do this 5 times a week and you will notice a good improvement within a month ...........

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it is easy to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time it just takes a little extra time than most people have ....


you need to start by going on a high protein low fat and medium carb diet and stick to it fairly rigidley


secondly when you go to the gym you need to set yourself 2 hours for a training session .... use the first hour for a weight training session concentrating on just one body part ... by the time you have done taht your heart rate should be up in the fat burning zone ... if not then it wont take long to get there .....


after the weight sesh do your cardio whether it be bike or running but do only a fat burning session do not get into the realms of a cardio workout ......


you need to do this 5 times a week and you will notice a good improvement within a month ...........

well socks iam dissapointed ... :whistling: i exspected at least two pages ... :clapper::clapper:
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Don't be being coy now, it was very obvious when I've seen you that you have worked very hard on creating your ultimate physique as I have too .............. :whistling:


Aaron beneath my fat is the body of a adonis. It has taken 34 years and thousands of pounds in food to reach my....condition. Because I'm married and have such a stunning personality and looks I have had to ensure my body is repulsive to fend of the ladiessssssssss :whistling:

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it is easy to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time it just takes a little extra time than most people have ....


you need to start by going on a high protein low fat and medium carb diet and stick to it fairly rigidley


secondly when you go to the gym you need to set yourself 2 hours for a training session .... use the first hour for a weight training session concentrating on just one body part ... by the time you have done taht your heart rate should be up in the fat burning zone ... if not then it wont take long to get there .....


after the weight sesh do your cardio whether it be bike or running but do only a fat burning session do not get into the realms of a cardio workout ......


you need to do this 5 times a week and you will notice a good improvement within a month ...........

well socks iam dissapointed ... :whistling: i exspected at least two pages ... :clapper::clapper:


i was going to go into slow and fast twitch muscle fibres and how they work ...differing diets for different types of training what diets suite what type of training and i was going to put up a weeks diet sheet and a progresive training programme for a month ... BUT



i couldnt be fecked LOL ..........

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it is easy to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time it just takes a little extra time than most people have ....


you need to start by going on a high protein low fat and medium carb diet and stick to it fairly rigidley


secondly when you go to the gym you need to set yourself 2 hours for a training session .... use the first hour for a weight training session concentrating on just one body part ... by the time you have done taht your heart rate should be up in the fat burning zone ... if not then it wont take long to get there .....


after the weight sesh do your cardio whether it be bike or running but do only a fat burning session do not get into the realms of a cardio workout ......


you need to do this 5 times a week and you will notice a good improvement within a month ...........


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thats a good way to build muscle stamina and tone at the same time ... what you are essentialy doing is cardio work for muscles which means you can work them longer without the dreaded lactic acid build up and burn out ... its good for short burst stamina but doesnt really work the heart and lungs for long endurance exercise ... each to his own really ... train to what suites you and your sport best ........

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as a former heifer (oh yes 12.5 stone and size 16!!!) and now a trim size 6/8 triathlete i would recommend starting on mid weights with lots of reps (3 sets of 10-12) weights for about three weeks,especially resistance machines as these have a longer effect on burning calories. When you have been kick started this way begin some cardio, about 30 mins three times a week. spinning is good and circuits and boxing. up your weights and lower reps when weight starts to shift. you can bulk and cut weight at the same time, as long as you do your cardio first then your weight session after. also pay attention to your core muscles as these support the back and abs. but make sure your diet is adequate, take a protein supplement, and eat plenty of white lean meat or fish. if you really want to get technical burning the right amount of fat at a healthy rate is to do with working within certain heart rate zones. this is how i did it and i think it worked lol

hope this helps you

Edited by Tracy36
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Just get a job with a courier, loading packages into artics.


I did, and lost 3 stone in 9 months (no I didn't bloody well give birth.... :laugh: ) and put muscle on.

Just started back at the gym to get the strength up further.

Doesn't bulk you up much, but going from 13 stone to 10 at 5'7" has made a helluva difference....

Edited by droid
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it is easy to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time it just takes a little extra time than most people have ....


you need to start by going on a high protein low fat and medium carb diet and stick to it fairly rigidley


secondly when you go to the gym you need to set yourself 2 hours for a training session .... use the first hour for a weight training session concentrating on just one body part ... by the time you have done taht your heart rate should be up in the fat burning zone ... if not then it wont take long to get there .....


after the weight sesh do your cardio whether it be bike or running but do only a fat burning session do not get into the realms of a cardio workout ......


you need to do this 5 times a week and you will notice a good improvement within a month ...........



1 bodypart for an hour 5 times per week plus an hour cardio every session :icon_eek::icon_eek: .....the poor lad will be starting every session exhausted from the day before !....1 hour lifting weights amounts to about 20 sets unless your having 5 minutes rest between sets !......to gain size and strength you will need to be training at a high level of intensity using heavy weight and low reps.......at the beginninners stage " rest " is the key....not more is better......a whole body workout 3 times per week of 3 sets per bodypart is sufficient at this stage.....include a little cardio and you will be in the gym for 1 hour tops 3 times per week.....eat well and rest well and your body will grow.....do this for 6 months and then go onto a split routine by which time you will have made enough gains to concentrate on specific bodyparts and get into isolation as well as compound movements....but for now,basics is best.....and .....if its not nailed down,eat it !

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