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mk4 fen trap boxes

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The weather in lincolnshire for the passed few days has been terrible, heavy showers every hour.So with a day off work i decided to have a tidy up in the workshop when i came across some new mk4 fen traps (genuine ones !!) which i had bought at a game fair earlier in the year. So because i had a day with time on my hands, me and the father set to to make a few boxes out of all the offcut wood and scrap wire we had lying around. One hour later theses are what we came up with. Not perfect as some of the wood was abit rough but good enough to do the job.post-15952-1215458660.jpgpost-15952-1215458695.jpg

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Nice tidy job there mate. :thumbs:


I dont think that you really need the wire tunnels, the boxes will be enough.


You will find that everytime you put them in the motor/move them etc, you will be shaping the wire back into place, after a while it will begin to do your nut in. Loose the mesh.



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  moxy said:
Nice tidy job there mate. :thumbs:


I dont think that you really need the wire tunnels, the boxes will be enough.


You will find that everytime you put them in the motor/move them etc, you will be shaping the wire back into place, after a while it will begin to do your nut in. Loose the mesh.



The mesh is on their for a reason to stop/ detare non target species getting in . I always make sure the entrance is a good 8/10 inches away from the trap, so mister cat can't get his paws in, or mister protected bird doesn't get in.I have seen both cat and bird in a fenn trap, not ones set by me though. THIS is the major point though if you are getting rid of a paying customers vermin do you think they would pay up if their cat has a broken leg? I don't think so.BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.

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  huntwithhounds said:
  moxy said:
Nice tidy job there mate. :thumbs:


I dont think that you really need the wire tunnels, the boxes will be enough.


You will find that everytime you put them in the motor/move them etc, you will be shaping the wire back into place, after a while it will begin to do your nut in. Loose the mesh.



The mesh is on their for a reason to stop/ detare non target species getting in . I always make sure the entrance is a good 8/10 inches away from the trap, so mister cat can't get his paws in, or mister protected bird doesn't get in.I have seen both cat and bird in a fenn trap, not ones set by me though. THIS is the major point though if you are getting rid of a paying customers vermin do you think they would pay up if their cat has a broken leg? I don't think so.BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.


Fair play pal, My comment was to maybe try and offer a little advice, Not to piss up yer back.


However a thought would be if you are doing a job for a paying customer who has a cat which is going to stick its leg in an unbaited empty box??? Are fenns the correct tools for the job??

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who said it would be unbaited? You didn't rub me up the wrong way sorry if i came accros abit like that just wanted to explain reasoning for the wire!!! . Do tend to use live traps around peoples houses but if their is a large number of rats i do use fenns as well and baited with abit of peanut butter.When setting fenns in the field i feel no bait is required just as long as the soil is disturbed.

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  huntwithhounds said:
who said it would be unbaited? You didn't rub me up the wrong way sorry if i came accros abit like that just wanted to explain reasoning for the wire!!! . Do tend to use live traps around peoples houses but if their is a large number of rats i do use fenns as well and baited with abit of peanut butter.When setting fenns in the field i feel no bait is required just as long as the soil is disturbed.


No problem pal.


Good boxes though :thumbs:

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  huntwithhounds said:
  moxy said:
Nice tidy job there mate. :thumbs:


I dont think that you really need the wire tunnels, the boxes will be enough.


You will find that everytime you put them in the motor/move them etc, you will be shaping the wire back into place, after a while it will begin to do your nut in. Loose the mesh.



The mesh is on their for a reason to stop/ detare non target species getting in . I always make sure the entrance is a good 8/10 inches away from the trap, so mister cat can't get his paws in, or mister protected bird doesn't get in.I have seen both cat and bird in a fenn trap, not ones set by me though. THIS is the major point though if you are getting rid of a paying customers vermin do you think they would pay up if their cat has a broken leg? I don't think so.BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.



Look spot on I'd have no qualms using them :yes:

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Nice job,


You could always just cut a slot in the wire and slot the box over,even have the wire flat till you need to attach it.


"THIS is the major point though if you are getting rid of a paying customers vermin do you think they would pay up if their cat has a broken leg?".....good point and youd' probably get the bill :thumbdown::big_boss:


I have just done a quick search to no avail, is their a regulation to tunnel trap entrance length :hmm:

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I have just done a quick search to no avail, is their a regulation to tunnel trap entrance length




The traps must be used in artificial or natural tunnels (if in a natural tunnel within the overhang of the hole). There is no actual mention as far as i am aware of any minimum tunnel size........although common sense would or should see to it that the tunnels were big enough to ensure non-target species were denied access.




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