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Buying a shirt

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Just wondered if i'm a freak (don't feckin start!! lol) but i have a 45 inch chest and an 18 inch neck.When i buy a shirt that fits around the chest,i cant do the collar up,and if i buy a shirt that fits my neck its like a feckin nightshirt.I've spent the last 3 hours trying to buy a shirt that fits my neck and my chest,but have had no joy.Any idea's? :wallbash:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I only know that there are shops who specialise in " Bigger Men " clothes. Shit for really tall or enormously obese guys. Google about for one of those outfitters and I'm sure they'll be able to accommodate ye.


There used to be one I knew of. Had a catchy name. Something like; " The Tall, The Portly and the Barrel Chested, Bull Necked Freaks Like That C*** On THL ". Something like that :laugh:


Or just stick with Lonsdale sweatsirts ;)

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Just wondered if i'm a freak (don't feckin start!! lol) but i have a 45 inch chest and an 18 inch neck.When i buy a shirt that fits around the chest,i cant do the collar up,and if i buy a shirt that fits my neck its like a feckin nightshirt.I've spent the last 3 hours trying to buy a shirt that fits my neck and my chest,but have had no joy.Any idea's? :wallbash:


your not a freak honest your not :whistling::whistling::whistling:


But seriously Bill you can buy fitted shirts for men but they are a bit dearer :thumbs:

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Just wondered if i'm a freak (don't feckin start!! lol) but i have a 45 inch chest and an 18 inch neck.When i buy a shirt that fits around the chest,i cant do the collar up,and if i buy a shirt that fits my neck its like a feckin nightshirt.I've spent the last 3 hours trying to buy a shirt that fits my neck and my chest,but have had no joy.Any idea's? :wallbash:



That dont sound all that strange measurements bill in fact sounds about right....dont know why you should have problems....ive used this mob before if its any use www.bigclobber.com

Edited by gnasher16
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There used to be one I knew of. Had a catchy name. Something like; " The Tall, The Portly and the Barrel Chested, Bull Necked Freaks Like That C*** On THL ". Something like that
:clapper::clapper: Cheers Ditch i'll check the yellow pages. :clapper:


Tess you know i'm a tight arse,i'm more your "tesco tearaway" type when it comes to shirts and the like. :icon_redface:


Kay are you married to Mike Tyson ? :icon_eek: Remind me not to get into an argument with your fella :blink:


Jack i aint black and i can't speak Italian :tongue2: I reckon Pavarotis shirt would make a good tent though.


Must be just the shops i use Gnash,but i've always had the same trouble mate.

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( Tess you know i'm a tight arse,i'm more your "tesco tearaway" type when it comes to shirts and the like. :icon_redface: )





What you have trouble with your arse as well ,, :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek: I no what you mean asda and tesco's specials eh usually wash up better anyway ,, they just dont fit :laugh:

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Don't try Next for shirts - last time I went there for a shirt I found my collar size but couldn't get my forearms through the sleeves!!


Damn shirts are made for pencilnecked chinless w4839s!


In the end I would either have to get a fitted shirt or.........................went to M&S & bought one straight away!!

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