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duck &chickens

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can any 1 tell me when my chicken and ducks will start laying again they stopped middle of november and havent layed since. as im missing my duck eggs at breakfast ....they are runner ducks thanks :good:

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now each day is getting longer the birds will start and come back into full lay.The birds i hatched last year have just started to lay this past week.I have pure breds and there is a old saying "that you dont get any eggs between bonfire night and valantine day" and ,roughly speaking,its just about right.

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you could try putting a light near them for a few hours at night, as was said they are somewhat subject to light with laying, and when they are moulting, dont kno wthe seasons over there, here its summer and chooks laying heaps


my favourites are the araucanas, with their blue eggs

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Mine started laying july & are still laying now, VERY occaisionally i only get 3 eggs off 5 white leghorns, but 99% of the time its an egg a day off each one.........do you feed ad lib.??????? i do and its gets good results.

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Mine started laying july & are still laying now, VERY occaisionally i only get 3 eggs off 5 white leghorns, but 99% of the time its an egg a day off each one.........do you feed ad lib.??????? i do and its gets good results.

laying pellets corn bread and grit [bANNED TEXT]

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