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children and guns

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I only checked today with BASC to check the legality of any of the younger teenagers in our family using any of my FAC rifles under close supervision.


They told me that not only does anybody who borrows any FAC firearm have to be seventeen or older but the lender of the rifle has to be the 'occupier' of the land on which it would be used. Apparently having the shooting rights or just 'permission to shoot' does not qualify you as the occupier.


Unfortunately this 'occupier' rule means that I can't legally let anyone shoot my rifles unless I do so on my own land (which isn't really suitable) where I am the occupier.


Are the rules different for shotgun use?



I also queried BASC on this, they said to ME that you can let over-17s use your rifles so long as you are with them, you need to have permission to shoot there (d'oh!) but that's it.

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Was just about to say that Mr L.


I asked BASC the same thing twice to two different people and got two different answers, one yes, one no.


So, I took the yes vote as it was within the Firearms:Guidance to the Police handbook which is issued to all FEO's


It seems no one knows the absolute correct answer.


Bloody Firearms Law :censored:



SS :thumbs:

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I started clay shooting when I was 10. No one else in my family shoots so I had to bug my parents so much to take me. I had a few lessons and It turned aout I was pretty good.So ten is a good age to start for shotguns I would say.

Edited by rizzini
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I had my first shoot gun (410) at the age of 10 and that was after using an air rifle for some years.

We did live in the country and had a bit of land so i was always shooting in our garden.

The main thing is if your starting them early with guns is the saftey drills, they will remember them for the rest of thier lifes if taught early enough.

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id say let him, the verry first i used a shot gun i was 11, number 6s at a rabbit.

as long as you teach him how to stand and to take the recoil you shouldnt have a problame :)

the shot gu was a 12 bore as well, personaly get him to use a 12 bore, so when you hunt with him he will be able to take down animals alot easyer.


p.s first time i shot clay pigeons, i hit 4 out of 6 ;)

Edited by victor
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My son wants to start clay pigeon shooting but he is only ten, at what age do you think is suitable to let kids start shooting wi shotguns ?

Gents, we're talking shotguns now........NOT rifles.

Quite Right Mack.


I would say that it matters little the age or build of the child. A .410 with light shells or an air gun is not going to kick much.

I think it depends more on the mental age of child and whether they are old enough to handle a gun properly. And also, whether you want a child to see its first Kill too young.


Just my thoughts.



SS :thumbs:

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