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A Few More Pictures

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Sorry to bore you all again :icon_redface: Today was the first time I took the kids out to specifically look for bunnies, and we had a great time. It was raining when we set off but I just kitted them out in their gear and there were no complaints. We only had a couple of short runs and didn't catch anything .... but I got to show the kids where the sets are, what bunny poo looks like, how to walk quietly and to stand still and listen :laugh: They were pretty excited by the whole affair. I'd packed a lunch but it was chucking down with rain, so ....


we stopped under the motorway for our picnic :laugh:



After the dogs had a couple of goes, we went up onto the fields. They had a good run round up there.




I'm sure if I plug the pup's tail into the tv these ears will get me free satellite



Flying pooch




This one needs no explanation. Sure you can guess what happened next :icon_eek:



Off to look for ducks to feed



We found them, with a few of their very loud goosey pals






Stopped on the way home for some more chasing and play




I even held some sprog races



This one cracks me up .... she didn't make the finish line!



A boy and his dog



Dogs were knackered





And the kids had fun



That was the best time I've had out with them yet :D

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Excellent photos! Your kids are so cute. I really like the photo of the wee girl lauching herself into the puddle. :clapper:

Try a bit of lamping. You may have more luck getting a bunny. I find daytime rabbits the most difficult quarry. I have yet to get one with my dogs.

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I love the ones of Snoop having his pic-nic and playing in the sand :air_kiss:


PMSL ... you are such a shit disturber :clapper::clapper: Nevermind, Cam's wellies would be too big for Snoop anyway :tongue2:

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