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Dean O' Does It Again!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Dean O' was round again this evening. Much the same procedure as before, as it happens. We walked up the track and ran into Pat. Had a chat with Pat, who asked me to keep an eye out for " A black cat " which he's absolutely seething about. I told him straight away; I know where the b*stard lives and am just waiting to catch him out. This is the one I tracked to the hollow tree, just below Pat's place. I'm out and about again now and the nights will soon be getting longer. I'll find him.


Anyway, off we went up the track to the road and wandered our usual route, down to Pat's place. Scanning the basin below us for any sign of life. But those magpies were no where to be seen. So we rested our rifles on one of Pat's gates and just chatted for a few minutes. I pointed out the hammering some far away trees were getting from a hell of a down pour. We really thought no more of it and started heading back the way we'd came.


We'd only just turned back and hadn't gone fifteen yards when the first spits and spots started hitting us. I asked Dean what he wanted to do. Then, before he'd really finished answering, I bloody well Told him what he Was going to do! Follow me in a mad dash into one of Pat's nearest cow sheds! And f*ck me, not a second too late! The heavens opened and it was Crashing down!


Proper, old stone built shed, this one was. Tin roof just starting to perforate with age. But it was a bloody site drier than out there. The first thing I noticed was a swallow turn back at the door. So I told Dean there was a nest in here and I'd like to find it. Thus we began peering about in the half light, wondering where she may have it. Dean called out that he'd found it and I went over for a look.


To my astonishment I straight away saw it was no swallows nest! I declared it a Pied Wagtail - quite the grail for me! Only I knew, even as I slipped my finger in to feel about, that it would be empty. It was. Bugger! I really must remember to ask Pat and Noel's stated permission to prowl at liberty amongst their out buildings in a proper search for nests to record for the BTO. I'd have got that waggie for sure! Swallow, as it turns out, was where I'd been looking for it. Up on a joist. But too high for me to reach without a ladder. I'll get back to her.


Had a smoke and waited for the shower from hell to abate and then set off again towards my place. We were just drawing level with Noel's when Dean ducked to watch something in the trees to our right. I followed his gaze and we both watched the big, black shape slipping through the silhouettes of the tree tops. " Rook or Gray? ", I wondered out loud. " Rook. " said Dean O'.


But just then, as it coasted away back down the road from us, I caught that tell tale glimpse of Gray. I immediately knew this was one of the resident pair of that territory. They'd been doing this to me all summer and I'd never got within 200 yards of them. I'd even tried a desperation shot at one, out to about 160 - 200 yards, as I remember. Now this b*stard had landed right on top of a solitary tree, in one of Pat's fields between us and his place. And Dean was moving back down the road, trying to gauge the angles.


This being my home beat, I took one look and told him he was safe. We went to Noel's wall and Dean lined the crow up. " What ye reckon? " He asked. " 100 yards? ". I said I could agree with that. And that he was safe for the old cow shed in the distance as he'd go well wide to the right of that. " That's if I missed. " He retorted! :icon_eek:


A momentary pause and 'Bang!' F*ck me if that bloody thing didn't pivot straight upside down and drop like a stone out of that tree!!! :toast::clapper::notworthy:


I honestly can't even remember what we said or how we looked at each other. It had been such a bloody marvellous shot and it had taken out one of the pair who have been my absolute f*cking nemesis all summer long! But, as we strode back down the road to that fields gate, I Do remember Dean O' stating emphatically; " I can Shoot! ". He bloody well can too! And that 17 HMR of his never seems to let him down either! :D


Picked up the Hoodie and, sure enough, there it was. Classic Dean O' upper chest shot. A little to the right so that it had in fact, interesting for a Ballistic Tip, exploded it's was out the right 'shoulder'. Did the f*cking work anyway!


We gave Noel a knock, to show him the good news but, sadly, no one was in. So we wandered back down onto the track where I found a nice spot to hang the b*stard up where Pat and Noel would see it. But not before Dean O' asked for a souvenir photo. And here it is:



" Dead Eye Dean O' and His Hundred Yard Hoodie! "


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ye back then, SS? Cool. The other two can relax now then :laugh:


Those Gray's, mate? B*stards, they are! I have two or three lots on 'my' land. One lot know where I live and watch my door. Soon as I come out it with a rifle? They're off! They sit and watch for me from a tree about 200 yards away. I despise them!


Then there's (Was) the 'Track' pair. They hold territory along the top end of the track. Above and to the right of the Watchers. Only I blew a f*cking great hole in one of those two last winter. That put paid to their shinnanagins for this season.


There's a pair over the back of me. Never really come to terms with those as they're in a awkward place, round by The Idiots place. Rat Rancher. It was one of those I missed the first time I rested my fore end on a gate bar. B*stards went on to bring off a full brood! :angry:


But that 'Road' pair? Christ, they've been a thorn in my side! Constantly and plainly visible to both Pat and Noel. I have their territory plotted as well as they have. I spent an inordinate amount of the spring and start of summer trying to get lucky. But the b*stards got the number on my head wear. Thus, if I was going into town, in my 'going into town' hat, they'd be picking about in a field at 75 yards. But, if I had my 'bumming about' hat on? They'd sarcastically flap off another 100 yards and torment me!


That's how I came to try a 200 yard shot at one of them. Pure frustration fuelled by hatred. Missed the b*stard, of course. But the one Dean got this evening was re growing a tail feather and I reckon that was me. Like to see the c*** regrow what our Dean O' shout out of it! :laugh:


So, as ye may see; I have enough of the b*stards on my ground. But they're all in their own little places and know damn well that I'm a clear and present danger to them. Their f*cking intelligence could give a few on here a bloody good run for their money. And they have the advantage of being able to put distance between them and me before I can even spot a firing position.


Must say; I wouldn't swap my Hornet, for a .17, for the world! I like the brutal 'put down power' of my gun. It suits my generalised needs. But, by christ, I've gained a hell of a respect for that things accuracy! I mean; If Dean O' gets a cross hair on it? It's in BIG f*cking trouble!



And Dean? 'I make good Posts'? FFS; You were There, ye doughnut! How can my relating what went off compare to having Been There?! :laugh:


Anyway mate; If we hadn't gone off on another little adventure? I'd have had f*ck all To write about. Would I? ;)


Team Work, my friend :yes:

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Yes Ditch, Im Back,


I have seen my post in General Talk, those Aliens are ba****ds too you know! :laugh:


I once asked my HeadKeeper about Gray crows and the only thing he said was, "I'm glad I haven't got Bu***rs here!"

I was wondering why until I came on here having never seen one.


As I said that little .17 is a fine weapon and does me for small vermin out to just about 200. But, there is nothing more satisfying or nothing more deceased than a Magpie or similar splattered with a Ballistic Tip from the centrefire.


I have a few Magpies here which have got my number, I may have shot their mates when they were nearby or Heaven forbid, missed one, so now as soon as they see my car they are gone, 350 yards away in a tall tree so no chance of a shot. I'll get them eventually, they will make a mistake, they always do.


Just have to keep on them I suppose.


Nice to be back anyways!



SS :thumbs:

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