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PUBS is a new forum that I was put in toutch with that has just been launched to put beaters and pickers up (new or experianced) in toutch with shoots looking for help and vice versa. There is also a small general field sports area.


Its totally free to join and advertise, so please dive in and take a look.




With help this forum might provide that vital link for those looking to get into shooting/beating; especially handy for newbies with little or no contacts. Other forums offering similar are much more heavily moderated, require members to be approved before joining and in some cases even charge a fee for this and other unecesary "benefits"; none of that here.....

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Is it similar idea to NOBS?


Hi, yes its similar to NOBS, the main diferances are that this is purely a forum to find beating/picking up oportunities; there is no money changing hands, no politics etc; its NOT an organisation in any way shape or form, purely a "dating agency" for want of a better name that puts beaters in toutch with shoots etc nothing more than an online noticeboard.


And it works; I've recently moved to the Cotswolds to be with the OH and we have both managed to get beating on a shoot (if not on two...) right away.


I'm a member of a shooting syndicate, but wanted to also beat during the week and the OH has wanted to beat around here for a number of years (she's lived down here longer than me) and never had so much as a contact from NOBS, dispite paying the fees etc.

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The website to go with the forum/ads is now up and running, its a bit basic but gives visitors an idea of what its about. I'm told there are more pics and bits to be added but for now it gets the message accross.




Admin/Mods, is there any chance this could be made Sticky for a week or so just to give people a decent chance of seeing it?


Thanks, Chris.

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