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Why bother posting your views in general talk only for them to be deleted, even when they are not offensive or breaking any of the rules?


Free speech PAH BUMHUG

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Guest WILF

Dont get frustrated matey, it all just internet "stuff"............the mods will delete as they think fit and fair play to em, they have to mod the place.


Whatever your opinion on stuff, ultimatley it wont affect your life one jot if its up on the net or not.............


Dont worry about it

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Errr yes the title is correct, free speech not allowed here.... Sensible talk yes, this thread is just going nowhere, and will end up in a downward spiral of , not fair, crap this, boo hoo, I want my mam, my post was removed...


Thats why I'm locking it to stop anymore more bitching from BIATCHES!!!! :laugh:

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