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Crab-line catches and Portuguese poachers......

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Every had one of those days when EVERYTHING goes awry?The whole kit and kaboodle,the wall comes tumbling down,its all wrong from dusk to dawn?Yesterday,classic example,and this list is 100% factual.......................

1)My sis was arrested for a sort of fight. :icon_eek:


2)She had to go to hospital,she has cracked a bone in her knuckles from hitting someone,X-rayed,hand was swelling rapidly :icon_eek:


3)Old bill went to her house to arrest my nephew,he did a runner over to his aunts on the other side of the river,he is only 15 :icon_eek:


4)The wifes not talking to me(though thats got its pluses,it shouldnt actually be included in this list) :thumbs:


I needed to unwind big-time,remember that paracetamol advert?Tense,nervous headache?Well I was getting the king of all migraines,I needed relaxation,good job thursdays was fishing night :yes: So JOE turned up,F**K,he had forgotten the landing-net I had been reminding him all week about :doh: Thats cool,its only a net right?But a precedent had been set,my day was still going downhill,it just hadnt hit the bottom yet :no: We get to the venue,gates locked and shackled "Can you climb?" said JOE :o So I am over a 10 foot fence,arms scraped to f**k(I had told joe to phone ahead,the bailiff's his mate,why not leave the gates open for us?).

We dropped to the other side,moved into the bushes and sat for a while,tuning in,silence.Slowly picked our way through the wood to the waters-edge and sat under the trees scanning the waters edge,the scene was tranquil,nothing out of the ordinary except two red pin-pricks of light dancing around near where the lakes boats are normally moored :hmm: Fire-flies are luminous green,I had never seen red ones before so we belly-crawled down towards them for a better view.

As we got closer the fire-flies became glowing red cigarette tips :o Two guys,oblivious to our presence chatting away at the waters edge,S**T!!!!I hate fishing with others on a water,especially when we had requested sole rights for that night :(

Crawled a bit closer,these guys werent english,words floated over........Niet......Da.....Wodka......Mokba.........ti viydesh zamuzh za menya?........Tseluyu....."Any ideas mate?"I whispered in Joes ear,"Portuguese"he said quietly,well,he did once go to the Algarve for a week when he was 3 and he got a C+ in his french GCSE so that was it then,f**k,what were portuguese oddballs doing in deepest darkest Hampshire on the edge of a trout-lake during the Witching hour?Fortune favours the brave,I had had a s**t day and hadnt came to the water to skulk under a bush,so leaving our bags(Just in case)in cover I stood up and strode over announcing my presence with a loud "Hey lads!"

The term "Scalded cats" springs to mind "Chort voz'mi"......."Chto Zahuy".........and they were off,running hard along the bank"Hold on lads"I shouted but that seemed to increase their speed and they vanished into the gloom :o Remembered they had left the kettle on at home perhaps??? :hmm: Cheeky t**ts had left their litter behind though,carrier bag with two apples,a banana,and a can of coke :D Waste not want not eh?But whats that?A rope led across the lake...................


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I did indeed pull it in BRB,typical johnny-foreigner type tricks mate,it works and is acceptable as a fishing method over on the Tagus or the Mira,so they try it when they land in Blighty,well,its not on!I did actually leave it neatly bundled on the bank with a polite note pointing out its not actually allowed on the lake,just in case they returned once we had departed,I think its some sort of net mate :hmm: These things shouldnt be used,can you imagine leaving such a device overnight on a stocked lake?It would be weighed under with trout come morning mate :no: I actually think we did the fishery owner a service pulling it out so quickly before it had done too much damage decimating his stocks,but I am the silent type,I am not going to phone and tell him of our good deed :D Besides,I tried a new fishing method last night,just trialling it,its a mayfly creation fished on a £1 crab-line,and what do you know?I got a fish first cast ;)




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