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is there anyone out there who could give a home to a 7 week old pup he badly bust his leg when his mother stepped on it he is blue in colour and is well bred good home wanted this pup will NEVER race and will allways have a bit of a limp he has a good temperment and is very playful he will be ready in a week our two

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is there anyone out there who could give a home to a 7 week old pup he badly bust his leg when his mother stepped on it he is blue in colour and is well bred good home wanted this pup will NEVER race and will allways have a bit of a limp he has a good temperment and is very playful he will be ready in a week our two



what a shame for the little fella....................... I hop some one takes him on...... In reality though I think you may have a difficult decision to make....


all the best

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id be interested if any possibility of getting to uk many thanks si :thumbs:

i prob could get him to england i know a transporter whos just out the road from me and he mighten charge too much because of his size i could pay for some of the transport but not all of it shame really hes a nice pup i would have kept him myself but hes part of 14 pups so i dont have much space for him hes injected but i dont think ill get him marked no point really

Edited by shephound
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id be interested if any possibility of getting to uk many thanks si :thumbs:

i prob could get him to england i know a transporter whos just out the road from me and he mighten charge too much because of his size i could pay for some of the transport but not all of it shame really hes a nice pup i would have kept him myself but hes part of 14 pups so i dont have much space for him hes injected but i dont think ill get him marked no point really if any one wants his breeding http://www.greyhound-data.com/dbtestmating...mp;damid=559662



I might have bein interested if it was a bitch bud and arnt to fare from ya sure all the best with geting him a new home .....



All the best TM

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Guest smashygadge
id be interested if any possibility of getting to uk many thanks si :thumbs:

i prob could get him to england i know a transporter whos just out the road from me and he mighten charge too much because of his size i could pay for some of the transport but not all of it shame really hes a nice pup i would have kept him myself but hes part of 14 pups so i dont have much space for him hes injected but i dont think ill get him marked no point really


pm sent shep

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