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Hi all. Just been out with the air rifle. Shot 3 rabbits but one kicked itself down a burrow, I could see it about 5ft down and quite dead, frustrating but the 2 I took home were lovely fat rabbits. I also saw two stoats running about. Should have tried to shoot one but I was too busy watching them, they are so entertaining! I also saw a flock of 7 herons flying over. Normally I only see 1 heron at a time, has anyone else seen herons in flocks before? Nice evening for it and a dinners worth of rabbits. Myxamatosis seems to have cleared up too.

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Hi all. Just been out with the air rifle. Shot 3 rabbits but one kicked itself down a burrow, I could see it about 5ft down and quite dead, frustrating but the 2 I took home were lovely fat rabbits. I also saw two stoats running about. Should have tried to shoot one but I was too busy watching them, they are so entertaining! I also saw a flock of 7 herons flying over. Normally I only see 1 heron at a time, has anyone else seen herons in flocks before? Nice evening for it and a dinners worth of rabbits. Myxamatosis seems to have cleared up too.

Why shoot the stoat? Have you got a stoat problem in your area, or are you just a wind up merchant? Should have shot the herons as well. :hmm:

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There are lots of stoats about at the minute and they were quite near the farmers chicken runs. I see nothing wrong with shooting a stoat with an air rifle if the chance presents itself. As for shooting the herons I love watching herons, I think they are amazingly graceful.

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If your on rabbit permission................the only damage they're gonna do is to you bunny reserves....... I doubt if the land owner would be too happy to find you shooting his 'other pest controllers'..............


Watching a family stoats play in a meadow in the summer is really nice to see................Im please you weren't tempted with a cheeky shot in a moment of madness!!!!!



Under the giuse of pest control....shoot the pest!!!!!!


Yours in sport




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On my shoot i have a couple of stoats which i see regular & i would never shoot them,i prefer just to watch them racing round the quarry walls through my binos.They can raid songbirds nests but personally it would feel like shooting a (small) ferret to me.

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they are leagal air gun quarry. but, as others have said ..........whats the point ??????


you can't just shoot somthing for the sake of shooting !!!!!!





Exactly. If you can't eat it/feed it to anything, and it's not doing any harm, leave it the feck alone.

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Sorry all didn't mean to offend anyone. I don't shoot anything for no reason but a stoat killed a couple of hens a while back and so the farmer is understandably glad for me to shoot any I see near the hen runs. I leave them alone if they are in the middle of nowhere cause they do help with rabbit numbers.

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If your on rabbit permission................the only damage they're gonna do is to you bunny reserves....... I doubt if the land owner would be too happy to find you shooting his 'other pest controllers'..............


Watching a family stoats play in a meadow in the summer is really nice to see................Im please you weren't tempted with a cheeky shot in a moment of madness!!!!!



Under the giuse of pest control....shoot the pest!!!!!!


Yours in sport






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