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Im pretty sure they have to be pickled soft.Make sure you have rubbergloves on,the husk will stain your hands bright yellow,and after trying in vain to scrub it off, your hands will become bright purple,and stay that way for weeks :yes: I worked in Greece a few years back and they didn't pick theres till September,so i reckon over here it would be about the same time as the conkers (early October).HTH's :thumbs:

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Thanks guys, just found this might try it?



Pickled Walnuts

Pickling walnuts is a three-week process from picking to preserving, it is dead simple to make a plentiful supply of pickled walnuts





2kg freshly picked black walnuts

225g salt Sweet Pickling Syrup


1 litre malt vinegar

500g brown sugar

1 teaspoon allspice

1 teaspoon cloves

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger





In the UK pick walnuts at the end of June before the hard nut forms inside the green shiny case. Pick a bucketful and, wearing rubber gloves, prick each walnut a couple of times with a fork. Watch out for the clear juice this produces. It is deceptive, as it stains a dark brown.


Cover the walnuts with water and add salt. Leave for a week, then drain and renew with fresh brine solution for another week or so.


Next, lay walnuts out on trays in a dry, airy place. In a couple of days they will turn jet black. Now the walnuts are ready for to be pickled..


For the sweet pickling syrup


Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Bring syrup mix to the boil, then add walnuts and simmer for 15 minutes.


Cool and spoon walnuts into large jars, then cover with syrup. They will last for years. These pickled walnuts are great with cheese or cold meats, and make an interesting colour contrast on a pile of mashed potato.

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