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crossbow hunting

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Allegedly medieval longbowmen could pick out the eyeholes of a basinet.....

Never heard that mate,the longbow of old was more for distance,had a massive draw-weight,and the archers relied on a rain of arrows to cause havoc rather than rely on accurately loosing a single shaft,theres a revival of interest on whats known nowadays as "Primitive-archery" I have had a try of a long-bow and couldnt shoot it for toffee whereas a compound is a whole new ball game,like comparing an old smoothbore muzzle-loader with a modern day tack-driver :victory:

Dead right. They dug up the graves of some longbow men somewhere once, and the skeletons were actually deformed due to a (short) lifetime of using one.

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Ancient compound bows outperformed the long-bow but these were expensive to produce.The "English"long-bow made from a single stave was a fairly easily mass- produced tool .A bit like the Brown-bess musket or Lee Enfield of it's day..Ranks of archers using bows of similar draw-weight and using identical arrows could place a deadly hail at precise ranges dependent on the elevation...Pretty sure they had bodkin tipped arrows for close-range work. These were for shooting at vulnerable areas of an enemy knight such as the arm-pits and visor gaps.Literally ,chinks in the armour. I've made some primitive bows(varying success I confess) and have a couple that will only be finished when I've harvested enough sinew for a decent backing.Confess I'm not as good a shot as I'd like :whistling: I think that prior to the classic yew long-bow period British bows might have been a bit of a motley collection as one early king ordered that scrub be cleared for a distance of a mere 75 feet from the road sides to prevent effective ambush by criminal archers.Edward the 1st increased this to 200 feet.B*gger- all to do with cross-bow hunting .Which is of course just as illegal. Anyway have you tried findin a lost cross-bow bolt?

Edited by comanche
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The first patent for a compound bow comanche was 1967,I have seen pics of it,its a stars-flight away from whats available now mate.Dogpaddle,I will find the Link tommorrow,I am getting my fishing gear ready at the moment mate.Droid,at 30 yards range most modern compounds in the 50-60 draw class will pass straight through a fallow-sized animal ;)

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The first patent for a compound bow comanche was 1967,I have seen pics of it,its a stars-flight away from whats available now mate.Dogpaddle,I will find the Link tommorrow,I am getting my fishing gear ready at the moment mate.Droid,at 30 yards range most modern compounds in the 50-60 draw class will pass straight through a fallow-sized animal ;)

No mate .I mean compounds of different woods ,horn ,sinew etc .Turkish ,Oriental. Don't suppose they thought to patent them....Modern bows are a lot easier to use accuratly but cast/ draw weight ratio is'nt that much more than a primitive bow of the same class of comparable design. But on the other hand I am wrong and you are very ,very right. Once you reach a certain level of technology it is impossible to make comparisons twixt traditional style bows of whatever materials and the high tech designs and engineering that supply precision arrow delivery speed and accuracy. Hope you catch loads.

Edited by comanche
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Not only is it illegal...but they are shite anyway.....



Is it legal to hunt with any type of bow over there?

It is legal here and I was just wondering about your laws there.

I enjoy hunting with bows, and have hunted with "primitive" bows and with a modern compound.

For small game I prefer the smooth and quiet of a nice flat bow or a reflex-deflex, but for large game a compound bow has incredible stopping power.


And to the moderators, is a bow forum planned for this site?

Pretty much no. The Wildlife and Countryside Act forbids bow hunting. It was introduced in 1981 and my understanding is that bow hunting was banned because of some of the hunting videos around at the time. A bow in the right hands is a fantastic tool but as always it was the negative videos that were used to influence the legal decision to ban hunting with them.


This forum did have a bow hunting section but it was withdrawn due to lack of activity.

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Mosy people in the UK only get to see poorly made "Kids-toys" like the barnett range,splash out a grand and a half and you get a professional type of crossbow :victory: But compounds are a different ballgame,theres a great clip on YOUTUBE of a guy hitting a target 5 out of 5 at a tad over 180 yards with a compound :icon_eek:

Hey, do you remember the link?

185 Yards,sorry DogPaddle..................



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Isnt there still some sort of ruling that an english archer can shoot a welshman on the welsh side of Offa's Dyke providing he hands the ears over to the local sherriff(old bill) :hmm:

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Personally i think it should be allowed as long as the person goes through some sort of training ....etc....

I agree JD. I think a proficiency and safety test should be applied to everything shooting related, then they could do away with the 12ft/lbs limit.


Isnt there still some sort of ruling that an english archer can shoot a welshman on the welsh side of Offa's Dyke providing he hands the ears over to the local sherriff(old bill) :hmm:

It's actually an overlooked law in both Chester and Hereford. In Chester it's still legal to shoot a Welshman, with a crossbow, providing it's from inside the city walls and after midnight!


Hereford, on the other hand, only observes Sunday as a closed season. :D You can take pot shots from Cathedral Close, at the Welsh, any other time providing it's with a bow and arrow. :clapper:

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Got any pics of hunts or your bow DP?? Nope you can't hunt with any bow over here, I would love to get out hunting with one though.

I will take a look around and see if I can come up with something. But I don't think that I have any pictures of game taken with a bow, or rifle for that matter. :icon_eek: I only recently joined the computer scene and modern technology, but I will try to get lots of pictures this season.

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Mosy people in the UK only get to see poorly made "Kids-toys" like the barnett range,splash out a grand and a half and you get a professional type of crossbow :victory: But compounds are a different ballgame,theres a great clip on YOUTUBE of a guy hitting a target 5 out of 5 at a tad over 180 yards with a compound :icon_eek:

Hey, do you remember the link?

185 Yards,sorry DogPaddle..................




That's some good shooting! :clapper:

I have tried to make those shots, but I cannot even come close.

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