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crossbow hunting

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Mosy people in the UK only get to see poorly made "Kids-toys" like the barnett range,splash out a grand and a half and you get a professional type of crossbow :victory: But compounds are a different ballgame,theres a great clip on YOUTUBE of a guy hitting a target 5 out of 5 at a tad over 180 yards with a compound :icon_eek:

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  mackem said:
  sue said:

Because the question was "Is it legal........................... :victory:

oops :icon_redface: thought it said illegal ,i will have to get some glasses.ive made a right prat of myself

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  droid said:
Allegedly medieval longbowmen could pick out the eyeholes of a basinet.....

Never heard that mate,the longbow of old was more for distance,had a massive draw-weight,and the archers relied on a rain of arrows to cause havoc rather than rely on accurately loosing a single shaft,theres a revival of interest on whats known nowadays as "Primitive-archery" I have had a try of a long-bow and couldnt shoot it for toffee whereas a compound is a whole new ball game,like comparing an old smoothbore muzzle-loader with a modern day tack-driver :victory:

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  hiho said:
is it legal to hunt rabbits and other small vermin with a crossbow in the UK because im thinking abought getting one because it would just be something differant to shoot with


If it's just for the joy of something different to shoot, there's nothing to stop you joining a shooting club which does archery as well, you would have lots of LEGAL options there. At mine you can even hire stuff to try, (it's cheaper to hire something a few times at £1 a go, than buy something, find you don't like it, and then have it stuck in the back of the cupboard for years). We have crossbows and examples of compound bows etc. The advantage of trying it out at a club is that you have an experienced person to give you some instruction so you don't hurt yourself or anybody else!


Something else which is different and fun you can try at a club is black powder pistol shooting!

Edited by Flintlock
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  mackem said:
  droid said:
Allegedly medieval longbowmen could pick out the eyeholes of a basinet.....

Never heard that mate,the longbow of old was more for distance,had a massive draw-weight,and the archers relied on a rain of arrows to cause havoc rather than rely on accurately loosing a single shaft,theres a revival of interest on whats known nowadays as "Primitive-archery" I have had a try of a long-bow and couldnt shoot it for toffee whereas a compound is a whole new ball game,like comparing an old smoothbore muzzle-loader with a modern day tack-driver :victory:


I guess it's not beyond the bounds of possibility.

The buggers had a longbow in their hands as soon as they were old/big enough. Practice was compulsory by law. So most of the eg agincourt archers had 10 - 15 years shooting experience. The bows were not just 'distance/rain of arrows' weapons. They were used at closer quarters too, before they were dropped and hitting/stabbing weapons deployed. I gather the archer's vision of fighting was a long way removed from the chivalric 'one on one' code :laugh:


At 30 yards even a light drawweight bow has some stopping power...... :laugh:

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Is it legal to hunt with any type of bow over there?

It is legal here and I was just wondering about your laws there.

I enjoy hunting with bows, and have hunted with "primitive" bows and with a modern compound.

For small game I prefer the smooth and quiet of a nice flat bow or a reflex-deflex, but for large game a compound bow has incredible stopping power.


And to the moderators, is a bow forum planned for this site?

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  mackem said:
Mosy people in the UK only get to see poorly made "Kids-toys" like the barnett range,splash out a grand and a half and you get a professional type of crossbow :victory: But compounds are a different ballgame,theres a great clip on YOUTUBE of a guy hitting a target 5 out of 5 at a tad over 180 yards with a compound :icon_eek:

Hey, do you remember the link?

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