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Cutting back the heather next to a reservoir today and me and a mate spots a female Mallard with eight ducklings in tow, I kid you not. I'll try and get a photo tomorrow. Anyone else seen anything to indicate the first signs of spring?

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Out yesterday morning and seen loads a rabbit on ground as if they'd been bucking up. Finding that Hares are starting to sit in pairs and seen one lot boxing last week. Looks like the seasons slowly coming to an end. Soon be listenin to people talkin bollocks at shows...... cant wait :angry::angry: .

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on radio 2 a woman reckonned she heard first cuckoo of year, but i dont beleive it...


Cuckoos, who mentioned Cuckoos? It was probably a Dove or a Pigeon cooing. Bear me in mind lads when you hear your first Cuckoos. I'm into them. :icon_eek:;)

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Out yesterday morning and seen loads a rabbit on ground as if they'd been bucking up. Finding that Hares are starting to sit in pairs and seen one lot boxing last week. Looks like the seasons slowly coming to an end. Soon be listenin to people talkin bollocks at shows...... cant wait :angry::angry: .

:good: Depressing isn't it itll be the ol show rubbish soon all the nearly men full of s**t dogs that are pets,ol p***ks selling crap remidies useless nets odd knife shrpining things that never work and a lorry that shoots flames out of its sides whilst doing wheelies! :icon_eek:

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Guest Hedgehunter

Most doe rabbits caught in the last few weeks have been carrying young uns,nearby rookery is becoming a centre of activity.Seasons nearly over ,need cold weather to prolong the rabbiting.Tad early for cuckoo,but anything possible.

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Cutting back the heather next to a reservoir today and me and a mate spots a female Mallard with eight ducklings in tow, I kid you not. I'll try and get a photo tomorrow. Anyone else seen anything to indicate the first signs of spring?

english partridge splitting in to pairs another couple of weeks or so and swallows will be thinking about the long journey home

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