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Guest greengrass123

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Guest foxyjo.

Poor Queen...I think she's a great lady, I'm as skint as the skintiest church mouse, but I wouldn't swop my freedom and life for hers, or what money she does or doesn't have. She's our best ambassador for this country, And her, her family and their estates are part of our culture and heritage....like my hunting. She's devoted her entire life to this country and I think she deserves some respect.


I'm not American, I don't want to be. I'm British and proud of what that should mean.

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Guest foxyjo.
I am glad you said her estates are part of OUR heritage Foxy,I am off to Windsor later this week :victory:


Good Good!! Well better start training the dogs to curtsey now then Mackem! :victory:

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i heard shes back on the game to try earn a few bob :whistling:


Lmfao scent they wont like you speaking like that about HER but has to be has to be asked would you? :sick:



Ya sick b*****d TM, it would be like mounting ones granny :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:



lmao well instead of having the one persons granny after you for degrading her in her old age you would have all of england haha and scent just said he would and the right money to scent would be a can of coke and a packet of benson and hedges haha so its a deal IL you break into the palace and the scent will do the business we be there for a whole 10seconds lmfao

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i heard shes back on the game to try earn a few bob :whistling:


Lmfao scent they wont like you speaking like that about HER but has to be has to be asked would you? :sick:



Ya sick b*****d TM, it would be like mounting ones granny :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:



lmao well instead of having the one persons granny after you for degrading her in her old age you would have all of england haha and scent just said he would and the right money to scent would be a can of coke and a packet of benson and hedges haha so its a deal IL you break into the palace and the scent will do the business we be there for a whole 10seconds lmfao

10 seconds :icon_eek: it would take me that to get her tights off



Lmfao just make sure its her tights not her skin :sick:

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There really is a load of f*****g SICK b*****ds on this post it makes me sick to my stomach. I read bollocks from people cracking on about Britain for the British and our right to practice are traditions etc etc , but you can't even do the basics like showing respect to your soveriegn!!! a tradition carried on for a meer 1000 years or more. Wankers.

The Irish chose their path, an good luck to em...but keep your f#ckin noses out of our family qarrel tis not polite; neither is it polite to slag off an old lady in her 80's, no matter what her position in society.

As for the lack of knowledge shown by some of you playground comedians..well don't really suprise me

Since the settlement act...I think sometime in the18th cen. all income from crown lands is paid to the treasery in return the gov pays the monarch the cival list. Last time I heard 'twould pay her hands down to keep her own money!!!

The thing that pisses me off the most is the way a large section of the population has fallen for negative medea propaganda pedeled by the Murdoch press and other shite type organisations.

Ever wondered why they do it??

Could'nt possibaly be to take away the moral autherity of an unelected institution to stand against our ellected dictators Blairs illigall war..hunting ban

Browns general incompatance and worreing habbit of takeing away our ancient freedoms by first frieghtening us with what a bunch of towel heads may get up to...for f#ck sake what do you think our grandads would of sed to that.

Well my brave boys you just cary on with your infantile humour and sit back and let the real vilains shag the country rotten whilst takeing away our rights and traditions

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jet cool your jets spring to mind we where having a laugh if you think we where serious then you would want to think again pal just a laugh bud theres a hell of alot worse said on this forum and the finger should be least pointed at us ok bud

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There really is a load of f*****g SICK b*****ds on this post it makes me sick to my stomach. I read bollocks from people cracking on about Britain for the British and our right to practice are traditions etc etc , but you can't even do the basics like showing respect to your soveriegn!!! a tradition carried on for a meer 1000 years or more. Wankers.

The Irish chose their path, an good luck to em...but keep your f#ckin noses out of our family qarrel tis not polite; neither is it polite to slag off an old lady in her 80's, no matter what her position in society.

As for the lack of knowledge shown by some of you playground comedians..well don't really suprise me

Since the settlement act...I think sometime in the18th cen. all income from crown lands is paid to the treasery in return the gov pays the monarch the cival list. Last time I heard 'twould pay her hands down to keep her own money!!!

The thing that pisses me off the most is the way a large section of the population has fallen for negative medea propaganda pedeled by the Murdoch press and other shite type organisations.

Ever wondered why they do it??

Could'nt possibaly be to take away the moral autherity of an unelected institution to stand against our ellected dictators Blairs illigall war..hunting ban

Browns general incompatance and worreing habbit of takeing away our ancient freedoms by first frieghtening us with what a bunch of towel heads may get up to...for f#ck sake what do you think our grandads would of sed to that.

Well my brave boys you just cary on with your infantile humour and sit back and let the real vilains shag the country rotten whilst takeing away our rights and traditions


Fook me, hes upset, dont mind them jet, the queen is a ride.


Only joking.

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There really is a load of f*****g SICK b*****ds on this post it makes me sick to my stomach. I read bollocks from people cracking on about Britain for the British and our right to practice are traditions etc etc , but you can't even do the basics like showing respect to your soveriegn!!! a tradition carried on for a meer 1000 years or more. Wankers.

The Irish chose their path, an good luck to em...but keep your f#ckin noses out of our family qarrel tis not polite; neither is it polite to slag off an old lady in her 80's, no matter what her position in society.

As for the lack of knowledge shown by some of you playground comedians..well don't really suprise me

Since the settlement act...I think sometime in the18th cen. all income from crown lands is paid to the treasery in return the gov pays the monarch the cival list. Last time I heard 'twould pay her hands down to keep her own money!!!

The thing that pisses me off the most is the way a large section of the population has fallen for negative medea propaganda pedeled by the Murdoch press and other shite type organisations.

Ever wondered why they do it??

Could'nt possibaly be to take away the moral autherity of an unelected institution to stand against our ellected dictators Blairs illigall war..hunting ban

Browns general incompatance and worreing habbit of takeing away our ancient freedoms by first frieghtening us with what a bunch of towel heads may get up to...for f#ck sake what do you think our grandads would of sed to that.

Well my brave boys you just cary on with your infantile humour and sit back and let the real vilains shag the country rotten whilst takeing away our rights and traditions

Well said! :clapper:

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There really is a load of f*****g SICK b*****ds on this post it makes me sick to my stomach. I read bollocks from people cracking on about Britain for the British and our right to practice are traditions etc etc , but you can't even do the basics like showing respect to your soveriegn!!! a tradition carried on for a meer 1000 years or more. Wankers.

The Irish chose their path, an good luck to em...but keep your f#ckin noses out of our family qarrel tis not polite; neither is it polite to slag off an old lady in her 80's, no matter what her position in society.

As for the lack of knowledge shown by some of you playground comedians..well don't really suprise me

Since the settlement act...I think sometime in the18th cen. all income from crown lands is paid to the treasery in return the gov pays the monarch the cival list. Last time I heard 'twould pay her hands down to keep her own money!!!

The thing that pisses me off the most is the way a large section of the population has fallen for negative medea propaganda pedeled by the Murdoch press and other shite type organisations.

Ever wondered why they do it??

Could'nt possibaly be to take away the moral autherity of an unelected institution to stand against our ellected dictators Blairs illigall war..hunting ban

Browns general incompatance and worreing habbit of takeing away our ancient freedoms by first frieghtening us with what a bunch of towel heads may get up to...for f#ck sake what do you think our grandads would of sed to that.

Well my brave boys you just cary on with your infantile humour and sit back and let the real vilains shag the country rotten whilst takeing away our rights and traditions


Fook me, hes upset, dont mind them jet, the queen is a ride.


Only joking.

well iv had worse :whistling:

never gone to bed with worse but woke up to a few dam that john smiths :whistling::whistling::whistling:

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There really is a load of f*****g SICK b*****ds on this post it makes me sick to my stomach. I read bollocks from people cracking on about Britain for the British and our right to practice are traditions etc etc , but you can't even do the basics like showing respect to your soveriegn!!! a tradition carried on for a meer 1000 years or more. Wankers.

The Irish chose their path, an good luck to em...but keep your f#ckin noses out of our family qarrel tis not polite; neither is it polite to slag off an old lady in her 80's, no matter what her position in society.

As for the lack of knowledge shown by some of you playground comedians..well don't really suprise me

Since the settlement act...I think sometime in the18th cen. all income from crown lands is paid to the treasery in return the gov pays the monarch the cival list. Last time I heard 'twould pay her hands down to keep her own money!!!

The thing that pisses me off the most is the way a large section of the population has fallen for negative medea propaganda pedeled by the Murdoch press and other shite type organisations.

Ever wondered why they do it??

Could'nt possibaly be to take away the moral autherity of an unelected institution to stand against our ellected dictators Blairs illigall war..hunting ban

Browns general incompatance and worreing habbit of takeing away our ancient freedoms by first frieghtening us with what a bunch of towel heads may get up to...for f#ck sake what do you think our grandads would of sed to that.

Well my brave boys you just cary on with your infantile humour and sit back and let the real vilains shag the country rotten whilst takeing away our rights and traditions


And maybe you should learn how to spell your majesty's traditional language :clapper:


Love this country!.....f****n hate the Royal family! :thumbdown:

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You Round Head buggers should have been delt with a few hundred years ago!! As far as I'm concerned all republicans should be rounded up and sent to Yankee Land; 'spect youd be happier there :wallbash:



here here!!!!! leave the royals alone.

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