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First Catch

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Well done L.G :clapper: I see the apprentice is on her way to becoming the master :thumbs:


No more of them "Wogan" days................... not for you anyway :whistling:















Mr Nivia :cry:

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Well done L.G :clapper: I see the apprentice is on her way to becoming the master :thumbs:


No more of them "Wogan" days................... not for you anyway :whistling:















Mr Nivia :cry:


Now now Miles, one little bunny does not a Master make. And who said I was his apprentice (well, maybe for bunnies .....) :tongue2:


WTF is a "wogan" day :blink:

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:clapper:-exerlent!! waiting for my boy to have same experiance with his first young lurcher,i still rember my dog taking its first bunny,always good to take your dog out on its own often now its had a tast ov fur and gained that little bit ov confidence,could save the tugs ov war and you may have a bunny for a pic next time.well done,still want to see a pic ov your next rabbit though, :victory:
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