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First Catch

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Wahey!!! Out mooching with the mutts today when my grey put her nose down for a bit, and plucked a bunny up out of the grass (to date she's only had bunnies, uh, given to her :whistling: ). They had a tug of war over it and for some reason my grey decided she wasn't interested and dropped it gently :icon_eek: When it tried to scarper the pup struck it. She pranced around with it for a bit while I did the dance of joy :boogie: Then she looked like she wanted to run off with it, so I told her what a good girl she is and let her have it - first prize and all that. It wasn't huge and she ate it in one go :blink: So, sadly, no photographic evidence but ....




I'm only a bit chuffed. Honest.


I know it's not that exciting for you seasoned folks on here but for me it was a big deal - so don't take the mick outta me :laugh:

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Wahey!!! Out mooching with the mutts today when my grey put her nose down for a bit, and plucked a bunny up out of the grass (to date she's only had bunnies, uh, given to her :whistling: ). They had a tug of war over it and for some reason my grey decided she wasn't interested and dropped it gently :icon_eek: When it tried to scarper the pup struck it. She pranced around with it for a bit while I did the dance of joy :boogie: Then she looked like she wanted to run off with it, so I told her what a good girl she is and let her have it - first prize and all that. It wasn't huge and she ate it in one go :blink: So, sadly, no photographic evidence but ....




I'm only a bit chuffed. Honest.


I know it's not that exciting for you seasoned folks on here but for me it was a big deal - so don't take the mick outta me :laugh:

It is always nice to see your dogs first catch.........i have had many dogs over the years and i still get the same buzz from seeing the pups first catch...........it is the beginning of the dogs working life in a way.........well done!

And by the way...........my last pup promptly devoured the first rabbit she caught also :laugh:

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Wahey!!! Out mooching with the mutts today when my grey put her nose down for a bit, and plucked a bunny up out of the grass (to date she's only had bunnies, uh, given to her :whistling: ). They had a tug of war over it and for some reason my grey decided she wasn't interested and dropped it gently :icon_eek: When it tried to scarper the pup struck it. She pranced around with it for a bit while I did the dance of joy :boogie: Then she looked like she wanted to run off with it, so I told her what a good girl she is and let her have it - first prize and all that. It wasn't huge and she ate it in one go :blink: So, sadly, no photographic evidence but ....




I'm only a bit chuffed. Honest.


I know it's not that exciting for you seasoned folks on here but for me it was a big deal - so don't take the mick outta me :laugh:

well done i remember the first hare my pup killed 12 moths old i left him eat that i think it brings them on like. i was over the moon anall :clapper::clapper:

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Thanks you lot :icon_redface: I'm chuffed for a few reasons.


My grey is a bit of a bonehead and I was pleased with the way she just calmly put her nose down, found it and plucked it up. I nearly fainted when she let it go for the pup. It was her first proper bunny and she just let it go, came to me for a fuss and trotted off to look for more. Her behaviour normally leaves a lot to be desired - I'm well happy with the way she was with the pup and myself as well.


I've been after the bunnies up there for yonkers so I'm glad I finally sussed where they are. And this pup is my first real effort at working a dog. So ya, I'm buzzin :toast:

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good stuff .. :D its better when you do it on your own aint it...you had no help and did the bizz .... :clapper::clapper:

good show old girl ;) ..... :clapper::clapper:


Ya babe it was good - plus nobody around to see me jumping about like an eejit :laugh:


And, less of the "old" if you don't mind ... Mr. Nivea.

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