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My Youngun'

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Alright matey? Glad to hear she's doing well for you - only thing is all I can see instead of pics is "code" :( Can you email em over to me so I can see how she turned out please?


Cheers for the mention on the training - I reckon you only get out what you put into a young dog (tho' not to say blood doesn't play its part!!)... glad it paid off for you :)


Give us a bell some time and we'll go out,




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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright boys, comps been fuckd for a while picked it up the other day after gettin repaired.


Thanks for the comments boys, shes comin on a treat, had her out the other night just for a mooch, entered a field by a local school when she started pulling [bANNED TEXT] id even turned on the lamp, soon as i turned on the beam i seen one of them long legged rabbits ( dont know wether u'z have them down ur way lol) she was cutting off the circulation to me hand pullin on the slip, so i released one hand and off she went, put in a few rackin turns but couldnt get up to make a strike, the pair of them dissapeared over the raised end of the field and out of my beam, i expected her to cum bouncin back but nothing, bit worried after a few minutes ( which seemed like n hour) i walked up to the top of the ground and flicked the beam round, nothing :cry: ... give her a little whistle and nowt. So im thinking the worst at this point, i walk down the other end of the field and give it a little shine in anticpation, school ground flood lights give the feild a barley visible glow, just enough to make out the silouettes of bunnies making their escape, turned round to see a set of eyes running in the distance with an even bigger set behind them, Chase was still on so i made my way back up to the top of the ground to see this long legged rabbit :whistle: makin a beeline for the schoole fencing, slowing down as it approached the fence my bitch accelarated, got within a few feet of the fence and made her strike, right across the back



It was never my intention to run her on such quarry at this age, bin told by a few folk its worth waiting another few months, but in my eyes, my dog was ready.


Lee my email accounts gone a bit scatty on me at the min, soon as its up n runnin ill get sum more pics over to ya :good::good::good:







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