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Little Things that annoy you.

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waiting around for people to turn up, and there late even if it is by (5min)or dont show............ and people thats all take and no give... and i suppose time wasters and messers annoy me aswel... T 7 :thumbs:

Edited by tiny 7
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litter ,idiots that breed animals and then ask how to feed and look after them ,folks at the checkouts spending ages looking for their purse whats at the bottom of their bag ,only to pay by card when they have only bought 2 items :wallbash:

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that BMW that overtook me yesterday, just before a bend....


Well i was in the transit, and tried my best to block him, but didnt have the power :D he nearly had a head on though :D


Annoying part was, 30 miles later, i was still behind the twat..........




That women that pulled into a one way street i was travelling on....... pulled into the first lane, i was in the second, then she just drifted over without a thought that i WAS there.........




that tosser in the boy racer car that didnt know how to use a slip road

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other kids mothers at the school gate, that think beacuse im divorced and have a boy friend that im trash!!!!


people who think im weird cause im drink on my own in my local!!!


Litter Bugs


Kids who swear


Poachers (only when on my land) grrrrrrrr


people who visit my village in the most inappropriate footwear and clothes.


Men that assume the people who work for ME are my Superiors


Certain people form ceratin places, that think because i dont live and breath hunting that im no good at what i do aggghhhhh


Wife beaters

Woman Beaters

Pessimist's (sorry cant spell got soo wound up now so fundin iittt haaadrer toooooo typeeeeeee agggggggggghhhhhhhhhh)




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People who dont speak English.Pisses me right off!


Yeh especially the Scottish ones :clapper:

Half the English folk I know don't know how to speak proper English either....... :whistling:

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i already see a few dozen in here i agree with....



people who ride their bikes on the road at night while wearing dark clothing - are they TRYING to die?


people who take themselves or life far too seriously..


grammar/spelling Nazis... you know the ones... trying to have a discussion and they point out one meaningless typo..


people who use their bad childhood as a crutch or excuse for being a complete nasty, vile, pathetic little wretch to everyone around them. AND the people who think is ok for others to be vile pathetic little wretches because of their bad childhood.


Folks who cant let go of a grudge or forget a slight that happened 30 years ago.... Build a bridge and get over it!!


people who dont practice what they preach..


people who self sacrifice just to make you feel sorry for them, or guilty..


people who are angry all the time..


and cowards.. i can understand someone having a reluctance to do something new, but to hide from any kind of new situation or people?


bleeding hearts.... and people who think life should be fair.

if life was "fair" then think of all the comeuppance we'd all get for the bad things we did and got away with lol




i can see now that the majority of my annoyances have to do with people..... :unsure:

Edited by BlueCoyote
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