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Little Things that annoy you.

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Honestly, no disrespect but at the end of the day ;) its people that throw litter out of the car while they drive along, I once stopped and picked some up and followed the young chav and when he stopped I went and chucked it back in his car and told him to go find a bin, he didn't say nothing and was really shocked but didn't throw it back out :D

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The packeging of rice and pasta and tin openers. Im ashamed to say i have never been able to wield a tin opener with ease.


People who turn there noses up at our little dingle family type place.


And hairdressers who think you cant see there faces in the mirror ' have you cut your own hair recently'

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People who have to cheat on Computer Games - really pushes me over the edge.

They are very very crap and they cheat to make themselves look good - rather pathetic really.


And those pesky horrid hard plastic type packaging that you have to open with scissors and still cut your hand pulling it apart.

Edited by Quasar
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when ever i stay at my mates house he always makes anoying little sniffing noises before he goes to sleep and snifs and swallows and gulps and it drives me mad :lol:


Dear me will, best not tell your bird about that one ey

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This is turning into a nice little topic for people to let off steam! :whistling:


I think that is why I started it really, get rid of those niggly little things out into the open without the missus/mister telling you to stop moaning. :laugh:


Keep Going, There must be more things than this that annoy people, been thinking of them all the time since.


When you know you will drop food over you while having a takeaway and you dont spill anything until the last mouthful.


Just as you are about to go out it empties down with rain.


Boy racers who take the effort to overtake you at speed and then have to hit the brakes hard just in front you and you get to the same place at the same time without being like a Blue Arse Fly.


Carry on the Rant! :angel::clapper:



SS :thumbs:

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