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Little Things that annoy you.

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What sort of things annoy you, small little things in general everyday life?


Im talking of clean things and not about politics or anything like that, just things you come across.


My top three would be;


Market Research Callers,


Dog fur,


and when the Red light comes on in the car when you are just that little to far from home to make it.


Please keep it clean, no Racism or Politics please.



SS :thumbs:

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Research Callers

Cars that come towards you with full beam and dont bother dulling them

Motorbike riders that take corners too fast and have to come onto the other lane to make it round

People who do 55mph on a dual carriageway

Antis :laugh:



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my ex used to tidy up and put the tv remote on top of the tele, used to piss me right off :censored:


that is annoying, i must admit i like to spend at least half hour looking for mine, at which point i've missed the beginning of what i wanted to see....in fact if it wasn't an ex i would say teach her a lesson, clean the toilet with her toothbrush then stick it back in its holder.....

Edited by craftycarper
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women who think they are posh til ye get em into bed

people who dont exercise their dogs when the seasons over

fellas pissing on the toilet seat

women who say they dont fart

old people driving cars at 10 mile an hour



First one mate too true.... :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Folks that ask for your help then p*$$ you around.

Twats that over run on crossings.

People that start a sentance with 'honestly' - you know everything after that point is bull.

And tardiness.

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