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Rabbiteer is moving home

Guest Rabbiteer

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Guest Rabbiteer

I have been looking at some off these internet sites for singles and sad stuff like that.


I have had a real problem trying to figure out what some of the stuff means.


So if any of you guys know what some of these mean please let me know coz my perfect match could be out there, if only I knew what they were saying.


Here go's........................What does the following mean............















:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I saw one advert for a lovely young lady that said she "Enjoy's Dogging" so I guess she must have some kind of running dog too.


I think these will do for starters and I will stick some more up later.


All the best,



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I have been looking at some off these internet sites for singles and sad stuff like that.


I have had a real problem trying to figure out what some of the stuff means.


So if any of you guys know what some of these mean please let me know coz my perfect match could be out there, if only I knew what they were saying.


Here go's........................What does the following mean............













:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I saw one advert for a lovely young lady that said she "Enjoy's Dogging" so I guess she must have some kind of running dog too.


I think these will do for starters and I will stick some more up later.


All the best,





BBW = dunno

GSOH = good sence of humour

WLTM = would like to meet

DOM = domineering (i think)

SUB = submissive (i think)

BDSM = big dick small man ( maybe)

ROLE-PLAY = likes to dress up

ENJOYS WATERSPORTS = wants piddling on

HAS GOOD A & O LEVELS = bum sex & gobbling

VANILLA = dunno

COTTAGING = gaylord stuff


well thats what i heard they mean anyway :)

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Guest Rabbiteer
I have been looking at some off these internet sites for singles and sad stuff like that.


I have had a real problem trying to figure out what some of the stuff means.


So if any of you guys know what some of these mean please let me know coz my perfect match could be out there, if only I knew what they were saying.


Here go's........................What does the following mean............













:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I saw one advert for a lovely young lady that said she "Enjoy's Dogging" so I guess she must have some kind of running dog too.


I think these will do for starters and I will stick some more up later.


All the best,





BBW = dunno

GSOH = good sence of humour

WLTM = would like to meet

DOM = domineering (i think)

SUB = submissive (i think)

BDSM = big dick small man ( maybe)

ROLE-PLAY = likes to dress up

ENJOYS WATERSPORTS = wants piddling on

HAS GOOD A & O LEVELS = bum sex & gobbling

VANILLA = dunno

COTTAGING = gaylord stuff


well thats what i heard they mean anyway :)



Cheers Kay,


By the way, this in No way indicates the type of sites I have been looking at :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:



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I have been looking at some off these internet sites for singles and sad stuff like that.


I have had a real problem trying to figure out what some of the stuff means.


So if any of you guys know what some of these mean please let me know coz my perfect match could be out there, if only I knew what they were saying.


Here go's........................What does the following mean............













:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I saw one advert for a lovely young lady that said she "Enjoy's Dogging" so I guess she must have some kind of running dog too.


I think these will do for starters and I will stick some more up later.


All the best,





BBW = dunno

GSOH = good sence of humour

WLTM = would like to meet

DOM = domineering (i think)

SUB = submissive (i think)

BDSM = big dick small man ( maybe)

ROLE-PLAY = likes to dress up

ENJOYS WATERSPORTS = wants piddling on

HAS GOOD A & O LEVELS = bum sex & gobbling

VANILLA = dunno

COTTAGING = gaylord stuff


well thats what i heard they mean anyway :)



Cheers Kay,


By the way, this in No way indicates the type of sites I have been looking at :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:




course not :laugh: its a laugh if nowt else , you will have loads of pm's as well :thumbs:

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I have been looking at some off these internet sites for singles and sad stuff like that.


I have had a real problem trying to figure out what some of the stuff means.


So if any of you guys know what some of these mean please let me know coz my perfect match could be out there, if only I knew what they were saying.


Here go's........................What does the following mean............













:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I saw one advert for a lovely young lady that said she "Enjoy's Dogging" so I guess she must have some kind of running dog too.


I think these will do for starters and I will stick some more up later.


All the best,





BBW = dunno

GSOH = good sence of humour

WLTM = would like to meet

DOM = domineering (i think)

SUB = submissive (i think)

BDSM = big dick small man ( maybe)

ROLE-PLAY = likes to dress up

ENJOYS WATERSPORTS = wants piddling on

HAS GOOD A & O LEVELS = bum sex & gobbling

VANILLA = dunno

COTTAGING = gaylord stuff




do you think we believe you .what ive heard lol


well thats what i heard they mean anyway :)

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I have been looking at some off these internet sites for singles and sad stuff like that.


I have had a real problem trying to figure out what some of the stuff means.


So if any of you guys know what some of these mean please let me know coz my perfect match could be out there, if only I knew what they were saying.


Here go's........................What does the following mean............













:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I saw one advert for a lovely young lady that said she "Enjoy's Dogging" so I guess she must have some kind of running dog too.


I think these will do for starters and I will stick some more up later.


All the best,





BBW = dunno

GSOH = good sence of humour

WLTM = would like to meet

DOM = domineering (i think)

SUB = submissive (i think)

BDSM = big dick small man ( maybe)

ROLE-PLAY = likes to dress up

ENJOYS WATERSPORTS = wants piddling on

HAS GOOD A & O LEVELS = bum sex & gobbling

VANILLA = dunno

COTTAGING = gaylord stuff


well thats what i heard they mean anyway :)

BBW=FAT AS f**k!!!

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Sorry to hear your news Rabbiteer, it's hard, but probably for the best in the long run.


I married a townie, it was a big mistake. He got incrediby jealous of the animals and threw the most magnificent wobbler you've ever seen cos I did the horses on Christmas Day. Apparently I should have just left the poor buggers standing in a stable untended to for the day because family, ie, him, should come first. :icon_eek: Not so in my book. Animals are like kids, they come first everytime, no questions. His revenge was to sell one of them. I came home a few days later and he said he was selling Skerry, I had the choice of who it went to, I chose, 2 hours later the horse was gone. He once sulked for 3 weeks cos I went hunting. 3 BLOODY WEEKS WITHOUT SPEAKING A WORD!!! :icon_eek: Incredible.....


I tried my best, I was only 21 and he was a bit older, (39)made me think there was something wrong with me. Turned my horse away, didn't hunt, no shows, no dog work, no dog shows, no nothing. Utterly pointless, he only found something else to whine about. :censored:


You're lucky if you can get town and country to mix, I don't think I'd ever bother to try that again. There are plenty of girls out there who will understand you and share your interests.


And with regard to the lady with her ciggy and her phone and the fat pups in front of the fire...when you've had a bad 'un, then nothing is quite as true as the saying "Beauty is as beauty does". :victory:

Hell il marry you jo nd you can go hunting as often as you like!!! wel get on great wel never see each other in the hunting season an il be fishing flat out in the summer while ul be visiting all the horse shows lol sounds like heaven to me!!xxx

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Guest Rabbiteer
BDSM = wants tying up and slapping about...probably wears a lot of pvc and rubber

VANILLA = doesnt want to be tied up, slapped or have anything to do with gimp masks and pegs




I think maybe I have been looking at the wrong sites!



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I saw one advert for a lovely young lady that said she "Enjoy's Dogging" so I guess she must have some kind of running dog too.


Dunno about the running bit but I'll bet she likes dogs :clapper:


Sorry to read about your missus Rabbiteer.


I'm a townie ... well, I grew up in a massive city, but it never suited me. My friends used to joke that I was a reincarnated farmer :doh: But I've gone from that massive city to a biggish town and next move will be out into a village somehwere or, with luck, into the countryside. Won't ever go back to being a "townie" :no:


It's unfair for anyone to expect a person to choose between two things they love. I can only speak for myself, but if I'm getting what I need - ie companionship, a bit of fun and attention - I'd be quite happy to wave bye bye to my bloke to go off for some hunting. So long as he took me along sometimes as well, that is. It's all give and take. Anyone who can't take you as you come and appreciate what you enjoy isn't worth the time.


My ex was selfish, drunken knobhead. The last straw was his moaning over the time I spent out with the dogs - it was the only time I wanted to myself, to go mooching about and have some peace and quiet. I wasn't clubbing, drinking or otherwise carrying on. When he starting whingeing about me dissapearing with the mutts for hours at a time, any last glimmer of hope for us vanished and I handed him his hat and asked him what his hurry was :bye:


Next time Rabbiteer, find yourself a girl who's happy to carry your lamp for you :laugh:


And for the record I doubt I would ever be happy about having a hob in the bedroom .... so on that one point I side with her :angel::laugh:

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Sorry to hear your news Rabbiteer, it's hard, but probably for the best in the long run.


I married a townie, it was a big mistake. He got incrediby jealous of the animals and threw the most magnificent wobbler you've ever seen cos I did the horses on Christmas Day. Apparently I should have just left the poor buggers standing in a stable untended to for the day because family, ie, him, should come first. :icon_eek: Not so in my book. Animals are like kids, they come first everytime, no questions. His revenge was to sell one of them. I came home a few days later and he said he was selling Skerry, I had the choice of who it went to, I chose, 2 hours later the horse was gone. He once sulked for 3 weeks cos I went hunting. 3 BLOODY WEEKS WITHOUT SPEAKING A WORD!!! :icon_eek: Incredible.....


I tried my best, I was only 21 and he was a bit older, (39)made me think there was something wrong with me. Turned my horse away, didn't hunt, no shows, no dog work, no dog shows, no nothing. Utterly pointless, he only found something else to whine about. :censored:


You're lucky if you can get town and country to mix, I don't think I'd ever bother to try that again. There are plenty of girls out there who will understand you and share your interests.


And with regard to the lady with her ciggy and her phone and the fat pups in front of the fire...when you've had a bad 'un, then nothing is quite as true as the saying "Beauty is as beauty does". :victory:

well i think its only your experience mix of towine and country folk.. as im from a town but my love and passion for the counry and the sport are second to none.. i love my lurchers and my lab the ferrets and just living where i live..

i think if you and your partner enjoy the same things what more could one want..

my other half sort of HAD same intetrests as me maybe just to please me :whistling: .. but now only see him weekend a month lol :toast:

yeah id love to have someone whom shares the same interest in the way that i do enjoy the same holidays etc and not moan i care for my animals the way i do... but you cant have it all i suppose..

but i still have my daddy to take me out ferreting :victory:


oh and rabbiteer id stay way from those site lol not good for you lol

well i reckon the huntinglife is getting on the dating/chat site now lol


edited to add.. i agree with lurchergrrl.. no hobs in the bedroom lol

lynsen :thumbs:

Edited by bess
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Sorry to hear your news Rabbiteer, it's hard, but probably for the best in the long run.


I married a townie, it was a big mistake. He got incrediby jealous of the animals and threw the most magnificent wobbler you've ever seen cos I did the horses on Christmas Day. Apparently I should have just left the poor buggers standing in a stable untended to for the day because family, ie, him, should come first. :icon_eek: Not so in my book. Animals are like kids, they come first everytime, no questions. His revenge was to sell one of them. I came home a few days later and he said he was selling Skerry, I had the choice of who it went to, I chose, 2 hours later the horse was gone. He once sulked for 3 weeks cos I went hunting. 3 BLOODY WEEKS WITHOUT SPEAKING A WORD!!! :icon_eek: Incredible.....


I tried my best, I was only 21 and he was a bit older, (39)made me think there was something wrong with me. Turned my horse away, didn't hunt, no shows, no dog work, no dog shows, no nothing. Utterly pointless, he only found something else to whine about. :censored:


You're lucky if you can get town and country to mix, I don't think I'd ever bother to try that again. There are plenty of girls out there who will understand you and share your interests.


And with regard to the lady with her ciggy and her phone and the fat pups in front of the fire...when you've had a bad 'un, then nothing is quite as true as the saying "Beauty is as beauty does". :victory:

well i think its only your experience mix of towine and country folk.. as im from a town but my love and passion for the counry and the sport are second to none.. i love my lurchers and my lab the ferrets and just living where i live..

i think if you and your partner enjoy the same things what more could one want..

my other half sort of HAD same intetrests as me maybe just to please me :whistling: .. but now only see him weekend a month lol :toast:

yeah id love to have someone whom shares the same interest in the way that i do enjoy the same holidays etc and not moan i care for my animals the was i do... but you cant have it all i suppose..

but i still have my daddy to take me out ferreting :victory:


oh and rabbiteer id stay way from those site lol not good for you lol

well i reckon the huntinglife is getting on the dating/chat site now lol


edited to add.. i agree with lurchergrrl.. no hobs in the bedroom lol

lynsen :thumbs:

hey nik just looked at beths profile!! another hottie lol ur windin em in like hungry trout [bANNED TEXT] lol...leave couple for me bud!!!

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Guest Rabbiteer

Right, its been a while since I last dated women.


Is it still the custom to walk with my sword arm free.......so I can defend her honour....


Should I still walk closer to the road.


Do I have to write to her parents and declare my intentions.


Is it to forward to expect a kiss by the 5th date.


Where is it customary to take people on dates nowadays, is it the local Disco-tech or for a nice walk in the hills catching butterflies.................


Any clues would be gratefull jotted down...........


All the best,



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In any relationship if ultimatums like that have to be made I think its dead in the water.


My ex never gave me any ultimatums but he did hate me hunting with a passion. He hated me watching the rugby and used to sulk if I put it on.


I don't know if I ever really wanted to be with him indefinately but he made my choice to leave a lot easier when he cheated on me. It took him three months to admit it but when he finally did I packed my stuff and moved Tiegan and I out of the house. It was the best thing I ever did!


Relationships have to be built on a number of things but compromise is one of them.


Sorry to hear about your marriage Rabbiteer, see it as a new chapter and a new oppourtunity. :)

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