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I was wondering last night if anyone had ever done a McNab on game fish?By definition a McNab is historically poached I guess,but lets not bother ourselves with the pedantics here,anyone ever had a game-fish McNab by fair means or foul?Brown,rainbow,and sea?Or Maybe salmon,sea,and brown?I am just curious,but for arguments sake lets not include grayling in the equation,for no other reason except that I dont fish for them,so,anyone taken a McNab? :hmm:

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I managed a sea trout, brown trout and rainbow trout in the same day in August 1993. Brown and sea trout was caught from the river Tywi at 5am, and the rainbow came from the Usk reservoir late afternoon, this was done by design. Did also by accident catch a brown rainbow and sea trout from the River Taff in Cardiff on October the 17th 2002.

Tight Lines


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Yeah plenty of times.


We have a local trout water close by and most nights we would stroll over the fence just after dark and when all cars had left, this is a fly only water, so with then in mind we took our spining rods along :whistling: Fook me we almost cleaned out that palce, full of rainbows, and then we joined the club, made water wardens :clapper::clapper:

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Excellent result Aled :victory: I am going to attempt it fairly soon,salmon,brown,and either a sea or rainbow.In the past many times I have taken sea-trout and salmon in the same day,or browns and rainbows :victory: I deffinately want a salmon in the trio,the water I have been invited on is £100+ a day :icon_eek: I dont intend to fish for the full 24 hours so will leave a pro-rata payment :whistling: Spinning-rods on a fly-only Irish :o:no: Tsk,tsk :no:

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I've managed a sea trout and a salmon in the same day three time in 29 years of angling. 2 of those three occasions were on consecutive days!Salmon and i dont seem to get on with the way i used to, personally i think its too do with fewer salmon running rather than my lack of angling skills..... :whistling:

Tight Lines


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Roe,chinese and muntie are impressive,I am sure if we asked nicely you might even tell us the best place to watch chinese?I actually saw one in China but never here in the UK.

You have rather lofty ambitions JOE :whistling: I wonder what sort of trout you will be targetting? :hmm:

Aled,maybe your right,when I was a kid it was no great shakes to pick up bags of 30,40,50 assorted sea-trout and salmon,certainly as a 15 year old I could do that several times in a season,whatever methods I used I think your right though,salmon are on the decline,but its still the best fish we have in british waters,nothing quite like sitting on a river-bank at night and listening to fish jump ;)

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Guest friedrice
What would have been more impressive from a lurchermans point of view would have been a fallow,roe,and muntie in the same day,now THAT would be impressive :victory:

did have a fox, rabbit,hare and a trout one night. we also ran a cat over on our way home, plus a hedgehog as we pulled into our street.

i like hedgehogs, a real shame :( but i dont think i could get all them again. a midland macnab with extra added

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