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Make every thing a game, how old is your pup.?




she is 8 monts. thnks





Whats the recall like,? if ok . Then start in a confine area [kitchen or a hall way] with a ball or its

toy. as i said its got to be a game, it should all come together if your recall is a 100%. Thats what i

do , and ive had lurchers 25years+, it works for me. When pups catch there first rabbit or 6 rabbits

they might feck about, its no big deal its just a rabbit. My best retriever was a fecker as pup :wallbash: , but when caught a couple dozen. He would jump 5 bar gates, ditches , with a rabbit :clapper: right back to hand. :victory: just give it time.


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my pup is coming on well but cant get her to retreve any info on this please


Its another one of those things if you do it when theyre a young pup so much easier. What are you using for dog to retreive? if he wont pick up balls etc try something with fur on it...good advice from bird make it a game and enjoyable most of all dont overdo it...good luck

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my pup is coming on well but cant get her to retreve any info on this please


Its another one of those things if you do it when theyre a young pup so much easier. What are you using for dog to retreive? if he wont pick up balls etc try something with fur on it...good advice from bird make it a game and enjoyable most of all dont overdo it...good luck



thanks i will give it a go




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