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North Florida Wilderness and Tracking fun

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i went walking around on that land thats for sale down the road from my house... had a blast. its truly a beautiful place to get lost in. i could have spent the week out there, just forgetting i had a family, home, responsibilities etc lol the only reason i didnt was because...... well i love my kids and husband lol and i didnt have my dog with me....

one of my cousins brought her chihuahua and two rotti pups but she's a coward and doesnt trust that her dogs will come back. but if i were one of her dogs i wouldnt come back either.. :tongue2:

i saw a wild bunny at one point. standing on the side of the road. he didnt stay there long of course.


at one spot there was a trail used for ATV's or maybe a small truck could get through - but was mostly just a long long long trail of tall grass with a few sandy washed out ruts from heavy rains. it was in these spots that i noticed a coyote had stopped every ten or twenty feet to take a crap lol it was all old, dried up, and chalky looking but as i walked on it was getting fresher and fresher. i could see that this particular yote had been eating black berries too... as well as something furry :clapper:

further on the trail, not far from the coyote's favourite toilet, was something exciting, that i'd never seen before... i followed the tracks of a bob cat.. beside the tracks of a bunny.. then found the spot where the kitty caught the bunny. you could see where they had tussled in the dirt before the cat won. i wish i had taken pictures but i knew they wouldnt have come out good enough for you to see what it was. but it looked like the rabbit got away at some point before he was brought down again. the dirt was kicked up, scattered then paw prints... then kicked up, scattered.. then only the cat prints remained.


later on i found where a little wild hog had rooted around for his dinner. Also saw loads and loads of deer tracks out there along with turkey, possum, raccoon, and armadillo. i actually bumped into a couple of the armadillos. they didnt stick around long either. they scared the two rotti pups. had them barking up a storm lol


So .... here's a few of the pictures i did take... in no specific order




Bob cat



and this one confuses me.....what was he doing? hopping?



here is the walk into the property's main gaits.



and one of the clearings (thats my cousin son by the way)



Down the road - in those ditches is running water. they have diverted the natural spring so much that it just follows the road and created mini water falls in places



such as that



and this is where i saw the hog signs



here is the view from above. this map is old by the way... like.. a couple of decades old lol it was posted in the area of the main gates. with a little roof built over it. my cousins finger is pointing at the road i live on(where the fork begins at the other end).. just to give you an idea.. my home is that little bald spot at the fork lol



So yeah..... not only is this where i live but its also for sale.... :censored: we didnt even get to the best parts of it that day. we were running out of daylight and my mom called me to come back home because my two boys were "tearing her house apart" :wallbash:

But, when looking at the land from the aerial map you can see the natural timber forests run through this place like a tree branch. all of the hard wood has been left in the ancient river beds/low lying areas, and the planted pines are all around it.

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Looks an amazing spot mate, it really does.

Im going to florida in august. the girlfriend and the kids want to just do the theme park crap but im defo going to try a little bit of hunting /fishing or something!!

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i've lived here my entire life, all 25 years of it, and only been to the theme parks twice... i hope you do manage to find something better to do than feed the tourist traps lol

probably would be a good idea to look into one of those guided hog hunts they have down south. i would love to do that myself lol

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