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found this egg any ideas

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Ye Know??? Vicious b*stard! :clapper:


Not a Ringed Plover then?

read this wrong thought you got it. trappa wins. why did ya think not



:laugh: Ye daft bugger, Wats! I 'got it' alright. Ye just misinterpreted the way I phrased it. Like Trappa, I was suggesting / asking, rather than making an authorative statement.


Not that any of that matters a fart in a thunderstorm. What I want to know is; Can ye and are ye willing to visit this site at least one more time over the next couple of weeks? And, if so, would ye be willing to Record what ye next find for the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) Nest Recording Scheme?


It's free, obviously. Nothing to 'join'. I could even send ye a record card and help ye fill it in (They Are, I'll admit, dauntingly f*cking complicated, at first! Took me a dozen nests to get the hang of it! :icon_eek: But I could soon tell ye what to put where for this one. Save ye a lot of brain ache).


Or, of course, ye could simply sign up, as I have, and get ye full pack from them and make more of a habit of it. Ye obviously know what a bird looks like and have the where with all to locate their nests. We need people like you!



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not sure which it was will try get a closer look as theres not much cover and ditch i will keep an eye on it only 5 mins from house youve got me interested now and no it wasnt a gull or dino :victory:

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Wats; Take a look at this. See what ye think: BTO NRS. Great way to 'Hunt', during the summer, and do an immense bit for conservation :)

i will register tmorrow mate just tried but network running slow keep ya informed on plovers hope to f**k it is one now lol :victory:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

AVOCET?!? F*ck! Miles; Keep The F*ck Away From That Nest! Please!


Alarm bells rang as soon as I read that. I checked the BTO NRS Handbook and " Nest Record News ". I have to do this shit because I'm long gone from england and my 'Hard Drive' has to shed a lot of old stuff to make room for new information. But, as I suspected; that's a " Schedule 1 " bird. Deeply f*cking 'No, No!'. Ye need to have a Special License even to go near one :icon_eek:


I'm, right now, off to PM ye the e mail addy of the bloke who deals with these matters. Tell him - and Only him - where this nest is. A grid referance would be superb. Ye'll know I'm for real when ye see his addy. Otherwise, note his name and mail the BTO through their general contact addy, available on BTO.ORG and ask them to get him to contact you.


What I'm thinking is; One of their locals probably has this nest covered. If so? It won't need two people getting near it - one unlicensed and facing the slung book. If they Don't know of it? By F*cking Charist! They'll Want to!




People: Can I just ask that ye let me know, by PM, if ever ye come across the nest of a seemingly Rare or 'Special' sort of bird and aren't 100% certain on what to do next? I'll happily check out its status and put ye onto the right ones to speak to.


In fact, Anyone who finds Any active nest which they can practically get back to? My PM's always open and just mark it NEST and I'll respond. I'll Never ask exactly where the damn thing is. I'll just point ye at the people who can help ye make a differance with ye discovery.


No 'Brownie Points' in any of this for me. They wouldn't know who the hell " Ditch " is anyway. And, let me assure ye; These are some young guys with a normal sense of humour and a real world out look. Ye'll not end up dealing with stuffed shirts. RSPB these boys Aint! ;)


Wouldn't it be great to see a " THL 'Team' " of Nest Recorders kicking off? I Know, for a fact, enough of you guys have 'Ulterior Motives' to searching for nests. I can't stop you. But We're the people who probe about and observe shit out there. With the right channelling, we can - as Field Sports Folk - do Our bit.


What ye say ....? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

if ya reading ditch plover got 2 eggs now[last sunday] had trouble with laptop will check this weekend also found a chick, redshank i think mother had red legs so am not sure

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Wats, of course I'm reading this, mate! In fact I've just spent some quality time in my own compound, checking the vile fate of TWO entire nests of swallows. They fledged and Died, mate! That's TEN f*cking swallows who left the nest and promptly starved to death! WTF is going on here?!? I can only guestimate that the rain is drowning their insect food. Now the birds are dying because there's nothing in the air for them to learn to catch. They get weak with hunger as they try. Then die. FFS! Now let's have some c*** come here and convince Me that " Climate Change " is a crock! :censored:


I was watching my latest wren feeding her own FOUR! When I was a shit, wrens had six, seven even Nine eggs! Now they lay Four! The last nest I monitored here brought up four chicks. I've never seen Then since they fledged.


That's the sort of Real Life, indisputable data thousands like me are feeding into the BTO. Have ye Registered with the BTO NRS yet, mate? Are ye Making Good Use of what ye witnessing?


If not? Please Do!

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not registered yet mate just got computer fixed bad news about swallows got a swift next door still feeding.ya right about climate mate crap summers less young being laid found a wren with 4 youngens too :victory:

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